One Word
“He being dead yet speaketh” (Hebrews 11:4).
I was walking through a graveyard one day when a word on one of the headstones caught my eye; it was simply the word — SAVED. It caught my eye because it was the only word on the stone.
In Louisiana, a woman lies beneath a grove of 150-year-old oak trees in a quiet, old cemetery. There is just one word carved on her tombstone — WAITING. The person in the tomb was evidently a believer, and although they have died, they are simply waiting in a better place for the same thing that believers who are alive are waiting for…the coming of the Lord Jesus, or what we often refer to as, the rapture.
In the Evergreen Cemetery near New York City stands a gravestone. On it is carved one solitary but charming word — FORGIVEN. No name, no date, nothing but one word is seen on each of these stones, and no doubt there are many more like them.
Suppose you had to truthfully chose one word as an epitaph to sum up your life, to be chiseled on the stone placed over your lifeless body, what would it, and what could it, be?