“Godliness with contentment is great gain” (1 Timothy 6:6).
When I was young, an older brother, now with the Lord, used to remind us that every advertisement was designed to make us discontent with such things as we have. This is true, and today some advertisements even tell us that “you are worth it,” or “you deserve it!” Even if we have to go into debt to get something, the world will tell us that we are entitled to it.
In our verse today, we are reminded that there is great gain in contentment, but it does not stop there. We need godliness as well. Why is this? Why are we not simply told to be content?
It is because godliness gives us an inner joy that lasts, while anything in this world will eventually only make us want something more. When we have Christ in our hearts, the enjoyment of Him is much more than anything riches in this world can give. When we live in a land where riches are within our grasp, there is a real temptation to go after them. But there is something much better than the things of this world.