“Call upon Me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me” (Psalm 50:15).
A few days ago, we woke up in the morning to find that our house was very cold, and when we checked into it, we found that our propane tanks were empty. Since the propane company had billed us for filling them up only about two weeks before, we were very surprised. Later it turned out that the delivery two weeks before had mistakenly been sent to the wrong house.
When I telephoned the propane company and told them what had happened, they were very unhelpful, and the woman who answered the telephone said, “We can probably get our truck out to you within a day or two.” Since it is still winter where I live, and the outside temperatures are usually about minus 10-15 degrees C. (about 5-14 degrees F.), I was a little upset. After several more phone calls to various people in the company, we finally got our propane early in the afternoon.
But when we are in trouble, and call upon the Lord, He does not treat us like that. The Lord listens to our prayers at any time, day or night, and loves to answer us when we are in trouble. He never says, “I am too busy right now.” When we pray to the Lord, we never get a recording asking us to leave a message; He is always there for us.