5. Note, also, there is, I believe, no such thing as the Jehovah of all the earth.' It is not a scriptural expression. There is the "God of all the earth," Isa. 54 Otherwise, it is " King of all the earth " (Psa. 47), and in this Book chapter 14: 9. Otherwise, it is "Lord" (Adon) "of all the earth," from Josh. 3:13, Mic. 4:13, and here. Hence we shall understand the force of the expression 0 Jehovah, our Adon (Lord), how excellent is Thy name in all the earth!' See the full statement in Mic. 4:5.
15. It would appear that b'he-khal (A.V., "in the temple") is simply at work at the building of '; see Neh. 4:4, 11 (or Io, 17, English). The ministration of the e chokim (A.V., "They that are far off ") in the service of the Temple, when the Man, whose name is ' the Branch,' should build it, would be further evidence of the truth of the Spirit of Christ; compare Isa. 4:2, Jer. 23:5, and chapter 33: 15. The reference to Christ, in His Melchizedek character, is remarkable here. In both passages it is referred to Joshua, and it is he who has exercised for the Remnant of Israel, i.e., Israel, the office of priest, who ' etc., as here. He is the tzemakh (Branch) Jehovah, and the tzemakh (Branch) David, and the tzemakh tzaddik (righteous Branch) who shall execute.' But here He is to sit on His throne—the iniquity removed in one day, and they, the restored Jewish Remnant, shall know the mission of truth.
At the end of this chapter closes that prophecy, the order of which, as relating to the latter days, is, I think, now pretty plain. Moreover the distinction of the two prophecies is most important. Hitherto, though leadingly occupied with Judah as the place where it centered in operation and result, the prophecy has been mystical and symbolical, taking it as Church order, building God's, or Christ's house, and hence involves the accomplishment of all the co-ordinate purposes of God, the principles on which He has been governing in the Church, on which it has failed, and the clearing (though not directly, as the sphere of present observation) the heavenlies, wherein the blessings, etc., were of all the earth, Christ's right ordering, in a new state of things, being the great subject, and this is the key to all that prophecy. Nor shall we ever see rightly the blessings to the Jews, till we see them as a part of the great scene of New Jerusalem blessings, as in Hosea, when, which explains what I mean, the Lord 'shall hear the heavens, and the heavens shall hear the earth, and the earth shall hear the corn and the wine and the oil, and the corn and the wine and the oil shall hear Jezreel. And I will sow her unto me in the earth; and I will have mercy,' etc.
The prophecies which follow are the literal development of the prophecies to the Jews, as a literal nation, fulfilling the promises of God to them as a nation distinctively known as such, and following on the long-known associations which belonged to them as a nation known in a given place upon earth of old.