Coincidences Recorded in the Gospels

 •  11 min. read  •  grade level: 7
THESE lists are collated with the simple idea of pointing out in each gospel where the same event may have been recorded. We say may be recorded, because very similar events may have occurred at different times which are now supposed to be the same. Any one comparing the gospels must soon be convinced that some of the writers, at times at least, depart from the chronological order of the events as well as of the discourses, in order to group them together morally. The special teaching of each gospel is in this way much more effectively exhibited. 1
It is judged that in the Gospel of Mark the chronological order has been more observed than in either of the others. The Gospel of John being so very different from the other three (called the Synoptical Gospels because they give a more complete order of events) only a few references to it are given, and these may not always be correctly placed.
In the tables an attempt has also been made to record, in their order, the districts visited by the Lord, though all of them may not be placed strictly chronologically. There are three passages in Luke that are difficult to arrange. In chapter 9:51, 52, we read that, " It came to pass when the time was come that he should be received up, he steadfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem, and sent messengers before his face;" and at a village in Samaria. He was not received because His face was turned toward Jerusalem. This seems to speak of the Lord's last visit to Jerusalem; but in chapter 13:22 we read that He went through the cities and villages, teaching and journeying toward Jerusalem; and in chapter 17: 2," It came to pass, as he went to Jerusalem, that he passed through the midst of Samaria and Galilee." Some refer all these three passages to the Lord's last visit; others suppose they refer to two visits; and again others believe that three visits are referred to. Now, between the Feast of Tabernacles and the Feast of Dedication there are only two months, and this does not seem to leave time enough for the tour named in chapter xiii. 22 to have taken place, seeing that the Lord visited Bethany after the Feast of Tabernacles. (Luke 10:38-42.) From the Feast of Dedication to the last Passover, there occurs a period of four months, which allows time for another visit to Galilee, according to Matt. 19:1 and Luke 17:2. This latter passage may mean that the Lord passed between Samaria and Galilee (for if one came from the north it would be said " through Galilee and Samaria "), and then crossed the Jordan into Peræa. (Mark 10:1). He traveled southward and again crossed the Jordan near Jericho. It is obvious that Luke 17:2 refers to the Lord's last visit to Jerusalem, and it is possible that the other two passages should be assigned to the same.
1. See the Four Gospels, page 107.