Friday, June 14, 2024
“Is any thing too hard for the Lord?” (Genesis 18:14).
“Ah Lord God … there is nothing too hard for Thee” (Jeremiah 32:17).
When I was going to university, I remember a discussion among some of my classmates about God. One of them asked another one, “Do you believe that there is a God?” The other student responded, “Yes, I do.” Then the first one asked again, “Do you think God understands radar?’ The second student quickly replied, “No, I don’t think He does.” I am not sure what kind of logic got him to say this, for if God could create this world, and the whole universe, surely He could understand something that He Himself had made. Yet somehow this student felt that man was actually smarter than God. You and I as Christians know that this is ridiculous, yet man keeps on thinking this way.
However, even as believers we can somehow think that something is too hard for the Lord, and think that we need to help something happen, because the Lord is not doing it. Jacob fell into this way of thinking in the Old Testament, and even Abraham’s wife Sarah laughed when the Lord said that she would have a child. She knew that she was naturally too old to have children. But the Lord could make it happen, and He did. Jacob knew the Lord, and trusted Him too, but he felt that he had to scheme and plan things, and look after his own interests, even though he was trusting the Lord. Often we do trust the Lord, but not completely. As a result of his lack of faith, Jacob had to learn some hard lessons in his life, until he realized that all his own tricks and planning did not work; only the Lord could work things out for him in the right way.
It is important for us to realize that there is indeed nothing too hard for the Lord. However, it may not be the mind of the Lord for Him to use this power to do everything we want. He orders our lives for our blessing and His glory, and all His power is behind us in the pathway of His will. We have only to walk in fellowship with Him, and seek His mind. Then we will get all the power we need.
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Growing in Grace Blog by Bible Truth Publishers

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