Thursday, September 12, 2024
“Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vineyards; for our vineyards are in bloom” (Song of Solomon 2:15 JND).
In the verses just before this one, Solomon has been describing the way everything starts to grow in the spring — the flowers appear, the birds sing, and the plants begin to bloom. Then he gives us a warning. The little foxes come out in the spring too, and when the vines begin to bloom, those little foxes nip off the new buds. Then, of course, no grapes will form, for the buds are gone. Foxes do not normally eat buds from plants, as they feed on mice, squirrels, wild rabbits, etc. They nip off the buds just to be mischievous.
The little foxes are like the small temptations in our lives. They may not seem like much, but they spoil our enjoyment of the Lord, and spoil our ability to bear fruit for the Him. We need to be careful to catch those “little foxes” before they cause real trouble in our lives.
When I say small temptations, what am I talking about? We are talking about that invitation to go somewhere that you know your parents would not agree with. Or that temptation to go and buy something that you know would not please the Lord. Perhaps it would be looking at something on the internet that you know is sinful. Or maybe reading something that brings evil thoughts into your mind. These are all like those “little foxes” that spoil our fellowship with the Lord.
These temptations may seem like small things, and Satan may persuade us that it does not matter if we give in to them now and them. But just as a grape vine can be spoiled when a fox nips off the new buds, so you and I can ruin our Christian walk by allowing even small sins in our life.
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Growing in Grace Blog by Bible Truth Publishers

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