Monday, November 27, 2023
“That he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lusts of men, but to the will of God” (1 Peter 4:2).
How long is the rest of your time in this world? How long is the rest of my time here? We have to admit that none of us knows the answer to this question. Most of you who are reading this devotional are probably young, and if the Lord does not come, you expect to have many years ahead of you in your life down here. But things do not always turn out that way.
More than fifty years ago I was working in the emergency room of the Hospital for Sick Children in downtown Toronto. An ambulance brought in a beautiful young girl who was only twelve years old. She had been walking home from school with her friends, and a boy teased her with a large black rubber spider. She squealed and jumped back … right onto the street in front of a cement truck. We did all we could to save her life, but she was too badly hurt. At only twelve years of age, she died.
I am sure that she did not expect to die that day. She was healthy, and probably left her home that morning feeling good. But before the day had ended, the “rest of her time” had ended too.
Tragedies like this remind us of two things. First of all, it is important to know the Lord Jesus as our Savior, and to be ready if we are called to die. That girl had no chance to accept Christ at the last minute, and I hope she knew the Lord Jesus.
But there is also a lesson for us who are saved. We too have some time in this world, but none of us knows how much time is “the rest of our time.” Are we using it for the Lord, in order to have treasure in heaven, or are we wasting our time? Let us make the best use of our time down here, for how we use our time here will affect us in eternity.
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Growing in Grace Blog by Bible Truth Publishers

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