Monday, December 18, 2023
“I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with Mine eye” (Psalm 32:8).
The Lord is willing to instruct us and teach us which way we should go, and sometimes He does this when we do not even realize that He is gently leading us a certain way. Let me tell you the story of a boy who was born back in Germany in 1907, and who was seven years old when World War I broke out in 1914. Life was hard in Germany in those days, and it became harder for him after the war started. They seldom had enough to eat, and as the war went on and it became evident that Germany was going to lose, things became much more difficult. At one point he was sent away from his parents by the German government, with many other children, in order to try and keep them safe from the full effects of the war. Naturally he was very lonely and did not know whether he would ever see his family again. Eventually, when the war ended, he was reunited with them, and found that they were all safe.
But the Lord had His eye on that little boy, and after the war, when things were still going badly in Germany, he had a chance to immigrate to Canada. Many farmers in Canada and the U.S.A. were advertising for young men to come from Europe and help with farm work. He came over in 1927 at the age of nineteen, all by himself. He had been brought up in a Christian home in Germany, and the Lord arranged for him to come to a Christian family in Canada, where he worked on their farm. During his time with them he got the assurance of his salvation, and grew in his soul. In all of these developments it was clear that the Lord was guiding his steps, and arranging things for him.
Then he began to wonder which group of Christians he should meet with. Well, he thought, I was saved through reading my Bible; if I keep on reading my Bible, it should show me where I should gather with other Christians. He read and learned the precious truth of gathering on the basis that all Christians are members of the body of Christ, and thus should all come together and worship in this way. Eventually he married a girl whose family had emigrated from England, and who was also gathered to the name of the Lord Jesus. That little German boy was my father, and he had interesting stories to tell us.
The Lord often works this way in our lives too. He loves you, and has His eye on you as well. He wants to arrange your life for you, not only for His honor, but for your blessing. We can be assured that for the believer, “all things work together for good” (Romans 8:28). Things may seem to be going badly for us at times, but the Lord is using all this for our help and blessing.
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Growing in Grace Blog by Bible Truth Publishers

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