Thursday, January 18, 2024
“Bodily exercise is profitable for a little [time], but piety [godliness] is profitable for everything, having promise of life, of the present one, and of that to come” (1 Timothy 4:8 JND).
As well as a careful diet, those who compete in the Olympics must train and exercise regularly, often for years, before competing in the games. Those who compete have a goal to win in their particular sport, and do not resent spending the time to train for it. They learn to “push themselves,” always trying to do better today than they did yesterday.
The Apostle Paul compares the Christian life to a race, and he speaks of exercise several times. He points out that bodily exercise is good, but reminds us that it does us good only during our life down here. Yes, it is good to take care of our bodies, and keep them in good shape. I had a good friend in the U.S.A., and when I visited there, he often took me to the gym with him. He said that he went there mainly because the exercise made him “feel good.” Most of us in today’s world should engage in more exercise.
But piety (godliness) is profitable, not only during our Christian life down here, but also for all eternity. The truth of God is meant to be held in exercise. What does this mean? It means that not only should we read the Word of God, but that we also should walk in it. This does take time and requires effort, just as physical exercise requires planning and effort. If we are not willing to take the time for physical exercise, when we really want to do some work, we will find that we do not have the strength. So it is with our spiritual health. We must discipline ourselves to “spiritual exercise.”
Spiritual exercise can be both positive and negative. In Acts 24:16, the Apostle Paul says, “And herein (in this) do I exercise myself, to have always a conscience void of offence toward God, and toward men.” He was careful to exercise himself positively, in walking with the Lord, but he was also careful to avoid things which might spoil his spiritual state, and weaken his spiritual strength. It is important for us do the same!
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Growing in Grace Blog by Bible Truth Publishers

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