Tuesday, March 12, 2024

“If any man walk in the day, he stumbleth not … but if a man walk in the night, he stumbleth” (John 11:9-10).
We might wonder why the Lord Jesus said these words, but He was explaining something very important to His disciples. He had just heard that His good friend Lazarus was very sick, but instead of going immediately to heal him, He had stayed where He was for two more days. Then, when he announced that they were going south to Judea again, His disciples reminded Him that just a little while ago, the Jews down there had tried to stone Him. Naturally speaking, we could say that the Lord Jesus had a hard decision to make. Should He go to help His good friend Lazarus, or avoid going to an area where He might get stoned?
Perhaps you have tried to walk at night without a flashlight, and found yourself stumbling and tripping over things. But if you walk in daytime, you can easily see. The Lord Jesus likens His guidance by the Holy Spirit to walking in the light. He did not simply guess at what He should do; He asked for guidance from His Father by the Holy Spirit, and He knew exactly what to do. He was not walking in darkness; He had perfect guidance, and knew that it was now time to go down to Judea. Of course, by this time Lazarus had died and was in his grave, but all this became an opportunity for an even greater miracle than simply healing him while he was still alive. God’s ways are always perfect.
If we are truly saved, we have the Spirit of God living in us, and can ask for guidance in our lives. Sometimes we are in difficult situations, and no matter what choice we might make, there seems to be some reason not to do it! But if we ask the Lord for guidance, He will show us what to do, and then we can go ahead with confidence.
Remember though, when we ask for help, we must be willing to do what He tells us. Sometimes when we ask the Lord about something, we have already made up our minds what we want to do, and we want the Lord to agree to it. But if we ask Him to help us, we must be perfectly willing to follow what He tells us.
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Growing in Grace Blog by Bible Truth Publishers

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