“In the multitude of my anxious thoughts within me Thy comforts have delighted my soul” (Psalm 94:19 JND). |
Perhaps you have not had many anxious thoughts in your life yet, but since the Covid problem began, it has disrupted many people’s lives, and especially the lives of young people. Maybe you are one of those who is really concerned about what is going to happen. Perhaps you are a little concerned about the future — your education, your career, your prospects for getting married and having a family, and other matters too. Even though you are young, you may have anxious thoughts about some of these things. Maybe you have had to learn to “home school” because of the Covid problem, and you find this difficult. Some children and young people do not mind studying at home, while others would far rather go to class at school. |
Other people have anxious thoughts about things that happened in the past. Several years ago I met a young man in the United States who had been involved in the war in Iraq, and who had been injured. His injuries had all healed up and he was gradually getting better, but he suffered from what is called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. This simply means that every now and then he had bad memories of the fighting, the bombs, the guns and bullets, and even seeing some of his friends die in battle. All of this would frequently flash through his mind and scare him again. Because of his injuries he suffered from pain in his back, even though he was a strong young man. He was trying to find a job to support his wife and three children, and he had many anxious thoughts. |
King David too had anxious thoughts at times, and in our verse he tells us that when that happened, the comforts of the Lord delighted his soul. If we look to Him, the Lord is able to comfort us when we have concerns in our life, for He loves us and cares for us. Let us go to Him about our anxious thoughts, and let Him comfort us! |