“But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light” (Ephesians 5:13). |
“The entrance of Thy words giveth light” (Psalm 119:130). |
We all understand what light is, and because of the discovery of electricity, we have become accustomed to good light in our homes, in school, and where we work. However, we also understand what happens when we have poor lighting. If we do not have enough light, we may be able to see enough to be able to walk about without bumping into things, but perhaps it is not enough light by which to read, or do some fine work. Some people with certain jobs need extra special light, such as surgeons who do complicated operations, or men who operate specialized machinery. |
God’s Word does not provide that kind of light, but morally it is the light of this world. The Bible exposes our hearts and shows clearly how wicked our natural hearts are. When He was here, the Lord Jesus was the light of this world, and that is why men hated Him. He was loving and kind, and did many miracles, which everyone liked. They liked it when He healed sick people, fed hungry people, and preached gracious words to them. But when He told them that that they were lost sinners and needed a Savior, they did not want to hear that. They hated Him so much that they crucified Him, for they hoped then that they would not have to be reminded of their sin. |
But God has left us His Word, and it also is light, as we have seen. That is why men often do not want the Bible. They do not mind if it teaches them good moral principles, but do not like it when it shows them that they are sinners. |
But how wonderful it is when we receive the Word of God! Then we find, as our second verse teaches us, that God’s Word gives light. It does not only show us what we are, but it shows us what God is. Then when we hear the gospel and accept Christ as our Savior, we are delivered from the “power of darkness,” and “translated into the kingdom of His dear Son” (Colossians 1:13). It is a wonderful thing to be in the light of God’s presence! |