“And as it was in the days of Noe (Noah), so shall it be also in the days of the Son of Man. They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all” (Luke 17:26-27). |
These are some more very serious verses, for they talk about what is going to happen on this earth after the Lord comes and takes us home to be with Him. Somehow Satan will invent a lie to explain why millions of people have suddenly disappeared, and then the world will just continue on, for a short while. As the saying goes, it will be “business as usual.” People will eat and drink, get married, and life will go on. This is what they did in the days of Noah, while he was building the ark over those 120 years. We know that Noah preached to them, for it tells us this in 1 Peter 3:19-20. The Spirit of God was working thousands of years ago, preaching to those people through Noah, and telling them that a flood was coming on the earth — a flood so big that it would destroy everything that breathed air. But no one believed what Noah said, except his own family. Only eight people were saved; the rest all perished when the flood came. |
If you read the next few verses in the chapter, you will see that the people who are left behind when the Lord comes will also buy and sell, plant crops, and build things. They did all these things in the days of Lot. You will remember that he lived in Sodom, a most wicked city, back in the time of Abraham. When the angels came to warn Lot of coming judgment, he tried in turn to warn some of his family, but they would not listen. You can read this story in Genesis, chapters 18 and 19. We can be thankful that the Lord is working now through the preaching of the gospel, to save souls from all this. |
For you and me, if we know the Lord Jesus as our Savior, the Lord has told us about these things so that we will know how it will be after He has come and taken us home. He intends that we be serious about what is about to happen, and that we also be ready to warn those with whom we come in contact about the judgment that is coming on this world. |