Sunday, June 9, 2024
“He that is soon angry dealeth foolishly: and a man of wicked devices is hated” (Proverbs 14:17).
“He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city” (Proverbs 16:32).
Anger is a big problem in the world today, and it is becoming increasingly more difficult to deal with it. The strong, evil emotions of many people are very near the surface, and it does not take much for their anger to explode. Road rage is one indicator of how easily people can “blow up” today. In the Sunday school in the city where I grew up, we had a boy who was very difficult to manage. He was one of those who became angry very easily, and it seemed that the smallest thing could “set him off.” His older sister told us that he had the same problem at school, and that he was having to attend counseling sessions on “anger management.”
Our first verse today reminds us that those who become angry very quickly are foolish, and are like those of “wicked devices.” Some people naturally lose their temper more easily, but all of us have a sinful nature that can become angry. We who are Christians need to be on guard against this, and if we have this tendency, we must ask the Lord to help us.
Our second verse reminds us that the person who is slow to get angry is better than someone who is strong physically. The person who can rule his spirit is better than someone who can lead an army to defeat a whole city. This does not mean that we should never be angry, for we read in Psalm 7:11 that “God is angry with the wicked every day.” Also the Apostle Paul told those in Ephesus, “Be ye angry, and sin not” (Ephesians 4:26). When we see things going on that are a dishonor to the Lord, it arouses our righteous anger in us. But we have to admit that much of the time, we get angry because of something that is done to us, not because the Lord has been dishonored.
Much of the anger today is because there is a whole generation of children who have grown up without any proper discipline. They have never had anyone “cross them,” or tell them that they cannot do something. They have never been punished for losing their temper and displaying anger and violent behavior towards others. If you are growing up in a Christian home, and have parents who correct you from time to time, be thankful for it. It will save you from many problems later on.
Counseling on “anger management” is not God’s way of stopping it. Such sessions usually involve using our own human energy to control bad behavior, but our old sinful nature is too strong for us. We need a new life in Christ, and need to recognize that believers in Christ can ask the Lord to help them keep the old sinful nature in the place of death.
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Growing in Grace Blog by Bible Truth Publishers

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