Wednesday, July 24, 2024
“Boast not thyself of tomorrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth” (Proverbs 27:1)
April 10, 1912 was a busy day on the docks in Southampton, England. The largest and most luxurious ocean liner in the world was ready to steam out of the harbor, headed for New York City across the Atlantic. Headlines in the newspapers had boasted that the ship was “unsinkable.”
Big cranes swung over the ship, loading all the provisions. There were 40,000 eggs going into the massive kitchen. Five grand pianos were rolled into their places, and a wonderful orchestra had been assembled for entertainment. The passengers were excited. Some were traveling “1st class” and had paid a very large sum of money for their tickets, while others were “2nd class” and many more were “3rd class.” But all expected a pleasant seven-day journey across the Atlantic Ocean.
All the latest technology had gone into the design and building of this ship named the Titanic, but there was something lacking. As the 2,200 passengers and crew took their places on board, they did not know that there were lifeboats for only half that number. And they did not know that God had His eye on that ship, and that it would never reach New York City.
As we wake up each morning, we do not have any idea what may happen during the day ahead of us. But those of us who know the Lord Jesus as our Savior and have been washed from our sins in His precious blood do not need to have any fears. If the Lord Jesus chooses that day to gather me up in His arms and take me home to heaven, then it would still be a good day! A wonderful day, in fact.
Shortly after midnight on April 15th, the Titanic struck an iceberg, and it tore a huge hole in the side of the ship. Within a few hours that massive boat was at the bottom of the ocean. That “unsinkable” ship had sunk! Over two thirds of the people on board perished that night in the icy water. There were many acts of bravery as quite a few of the women and children were put into the lifeboats; 705 people were rescued but 1,500 died that night.
But remember, God never leaves you without a way to escape coming judgment, the way so many of those on the Titanic were left to drown because there were not enough lifeboats. He is offering you a pardon right now. You would not have stood on the deck of that ship that cold night and refused to get into a lifeboat. Do not wait another day to accept God’s offer of a pardon!
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Growing in Grace Blog by Bible Truth Publishers

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