Thursday, August 15, 2024
“Now there was at Joppa a certain disciple named … .” (Acts 9:36).
I left today’s verse unfinished for a reason. I imagine as you were reading along, you would have expected the next word to be a name like Peter, or James. But instead the name is Tabitha … a woman! Yes, you young girls can be disciples and we see a lovely example in this lady named Tabitha.
The story goes on to tell us that she was “full of good works and almsdeeds” (that is doing good things for the poor). But she died. All those whom she had helped were very sad and were showing the clothes she had sewn for them. Can’t you just picture the room, as Tabitha’s body was lying still on a bed, and those around all crying and holding up little jackets and sweaters and telling how kind Tabitha had been to them?
The other disciples in that area went to a nearby city where Peter was preaching and brought him to Joppa. By the Lord’s power he raised Tabitha to life again from her deathbed. Verse 42 then tells us that this was known all over Joppa, and that “many believed in the Lord.” Did we read anything that tells us that Tabitha preached a sermon? No, she brought many to know the Lord through her loving, kind and “Christ-like” acts, and through her death and being raised up again by the power of God through Peter. And so, young girls, we want to encourage you to reach out in kindness to those around you. Look around and ask the Lord where you might be able to show out His love through something you can do. That opens the door also to telling them about your special Friend, the Lord Jesus.
This doesn’t need to apply only to girls! There are many things you young boys can do as well. It all starts at home, and being helpful there is the way to begin before branching out beyond your home. And here is another point to think about. When it comes time for you to look around and wonder whom the Lord might have you to choose as your partner in life, look for someone who loves the Lord and loves to serve others.
Proverbs 31:30 tells us, “Favor is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised.”
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Growing in Grace Blog by Bible Truth Publishers

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