Saturday, August 17, 2024
“Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” (Luke 12:34).
“And they shall be Mine, saith the Lord of hosts, in that day when I make up My jewels” (Malachi 3:17).
Some years ago now, we visited the Tower of London in London, England. It is a very old castle that dates back to the 11th century, and was built by William the Conqueror. It has served the royal family in a number of ways, and was perhaps best known as a prison for the rich and famous. It also houses what are known as the crown jewels, which are fabulously expensive precious stones that have been accumulated over the years. As you may imagine, they are very carefully guarded, so that no one will steal them.
Do you think that the queen constantly thinks about those jewels? I doubt it. They are precious, of course, and she would surely be upset if some of them were stolen. But other things are probably much more on her mind and heart. Her heart is not likely in the Tower of London.
In the Bible, the word treasure is often used in a general sense, to mean what we really value. We all realize the truth of our first verse today, that where our treasure is, there will our heart be. For example, if one member of a family must go overseas, perhaps to serve in the army, we can appreciate that the hearts of that family are also overseas, wondering if their family member is all right.
We are reminded in our second verse today that we are the Lord’s treasures, or jewels. We belong to Him, and He is going to display us someday as that which He really values. Perhaps you have sung the Sunday school song, “When He cometh, when He cometh, to make up His jewels.” The author of that hymn got the thought from this verse.
But where is our treasure? If we realize that we belong to heaven, our hearts will be up there. But if our treasures are in this world, our hearts will be down here. We need to ask ourselves, Where is our treasure? If it is up in heaven, no one can steal it, nor can we lose it any other way.
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Growing in Grace Blog by Bible Truth Publishers

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