Thursday, August 22, 2024
“John did no miracle: but all things that John spake of this Man were true” (John 10:41).
We saw yesterday that John the Baptist was given a high honor by the Lord Jesus, because he was willing to be where the Lord wanted him, and he did what the Lord gave him to do. However, as I mentioned at the end of yesterday’s meditation, there was one other important reason why the Lord Jesus commended John so highly.
In our verse today, the people commented that John had not done any miracle. God could have given John the Baptist the power to do miracles, but He left that for the Lord Jesus to do. As the Messiah, it was His place to perform those miracles, to prove who He was. But the people also commented that everything that John had said about the Lord Jesus was true. At first this might seem like something very simple to us, but there is a deeper meaning to those words.
John the Baptist never talked about himself, or boasted about who he was, and the work he was doing. When the people asked him who he was, he said, “I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, Make straight the way of the Lord” (John 1:23). But John always said a lot about the Lord Jesus, and who He was. He told the people to get ready for Him, as the rightful King of Israel. He could say in John 3:30, “He [the Lord Jesus] must increase, but I must decrease.” It was also for this reason that the Lord commended John the Baptist
It is rather sad that some people who want to serve the Lord want to be given credit for it, and want to have a place of honor. I have some Christian friends that, whenever I talk to them, within five minutes want to tell me how much they are doing for the Lord. However, you and I know that the only One who is worthy to be honored is the Lord Jesus. John the Baptist understood this, and always talked about the Lord Jesus, not about himself. The people recognized this, and it caused many to believe on the Lord Jesus. That is the way it should be in our lives.
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Growing in Grace Blog by Bible Truth Publishers

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