Friday, August 23, 2024
“I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content” (Philippians 4:11).
The Apostle Paul had many different experiences in his life. Some of them were rather difficult, and others were very pleasant. You can read about some of those difficult experiences in 2 Corinthians, at the end of chapter 11. But Paul had learned to be content in whatever state he found himself.
Notice that he says he had “learned” to be content. Paul was no different naturally than any of the rest of us. He did not naturally like hard circumstances; he would have liked everything to go smoothly for him. But that is not the way we learn things in our Christian life. Paul had to learn to be content in whatever situation he was, and so do we.
How could Paul be content in difficult circumstances? It was because he knew that the Lord had placed him in that situation, and that the Lord had a purpose in doing it. He knew that he had something to learn wherever the Lord placed him, and perhaps the Lord also had something for him to do there. Most important, he knew that wherever he was, the Lord was with him, and would give him the strength to do what He had for him to do there. We learn far more in difficult situations than we do when things are going smoothly for us.
Although it is not the main meaning of this verse, we can also use it to speak about how the Lord has made us. He has given us our bodies, our brains, our abilities, and our spiritual gifts. Sometimes perhaps we look at others, and wish we had the abilities or gifts that they have. But just as the human body is made up of many different parts, so believers do not all have the same abilities. As we saw with John the Baptist, the important thing is to use what the Lord has given us, where He wants us to use it. That is what pleases Him.
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Growing in Grace Blog by Bible Truth Publishers

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