Saturday, August 24, 2024
“Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us” (Romans 8:37).
When we do anything that is competitive, we all like to win. Also, we like to see those whom we support, win too. I can remember driving by the football stadium one Lord’s day afternoon, in the city where I grew up. The home team in our city had just lost the game to another visiting team, and many of the local fans were not happy. I saw one man walking along the sidewalk who was so upset that he was kicking every parked car he passed, just to work out his frustrations. But how can we be more than conquerors? After all, if we win, we win. How can we do more than win?
Perhaps we can use an illustration. Back in the days of sailing ships, they sometimes encountered severe storms. Then they had to take in the sails, and just let the wind carry them wherever it blew. Then, after the storm was over, they would get things back together, check their position, and try to get back on course. If they got through the storm and had no damage to the ship, they would say they had conquered. They had made it through the storm.
But suppose that after the storm, when they checked their position, they found that instead of blowing them off course, the storm had driven them right on course, and that they were much closer to their destination than if the weather had been nice. Instead of working against them, the storm had worked for them! That would be a case of being more than a conqueror.
It is often that way in our lives. The storms the Lord allows in our Christian pathway do not blow us off course. They are working for us, not against us, and through those storms we learn lessons we could not learn any other way. Also, we learn the Lord’s care of us, and how He can protect us. We could not learn that kind of thing in heaven, for there will be no storms up there. We have to learn all that down here, but we will have the memory of it for all eternity.
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Growing in Grace Blog by Bible Truth Publishers

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