Wednesday, September 11, 2024
“He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty” (Psalm 91:1).
Although many of you who read this may be too young to remember the event, the date of September 11, 2001 was a turning point in this century. On that date terrorists hijacked two commercial airplanes and flew them directly into the north and south towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, NY, U.S.A. The severe damage to the buildings, coupled with the fires that broke out, eventually caused the buildings to collapse, with the loss of thousands of lives. All of us who are older can remember where we were, and what we were doing, when it happened.
Many people who worked in those two buildings tried to escape, but found it impossible. Quite a few realized that they were not going to make it out of the buildings alive, and were able to telephone loved ones and say some final words to them before they died.
However, a few people, twenty in total, were in those two buildings when they collapsed, and yet are alive today. Most of them were in Stairwell B of the North Tower, trying to get out of the building, but then the building suddenly collapsed. For some reason this particular stairwell did not collapse, and it protected them. Some of them were rescued within a short time, while others were buried for hours under the mountain of debris that fell on them.
Why were those people safe? It was because that stairwell remained intact when the building fell, and they were protected to some extent. Most suffered some injuries, and some suffered severe injuries. Most of them had nightmares for years afterward, and found themselves unable to work properly, or even to relate properly to their loved ones. They all suffered from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, which means that they continued to have horrible memories of what happened to them, and to others.
The people who were saved in Stairwell B did not know that it would not collapse. They just happened to be there when the building fell down. But you and I know that the only safe place from the judgment of God against sin is the blood of Christ. Are you saved, and under the shelter of the blood of Christ?
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Growing in Grace Blog by Bible Truth Publishers

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