Saturday, September 14, 2024
“Love is strong as death … Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it” (Song of Solomon 8:6-7).
Love is a very strong force; it is certainly one of the strongest emotions among human beings. Sad to say, hate is also a strong emotion, and both love and hate have been responsible for making people do things they might otherwise not have done. Sometimes love has made people give up their lives to save others.
When I worked in the emergency department of my hospital, a very sad accident happened, yet it showed how much a husband loved his wife. The couple were traveling on the freeway and had a flat tire near the hospital. After pulling over onto the shoulder, they had opened their trunk to get the spare tire out. Suddenly they heard two loud blasts from an air horn on a big truck, and when they turned around, they saw that the truck had lost a wheel, which was coming straight for them at 60-70 mph. (100-110 km. hr.). The wife froze with fear and seemed unable to move.
Instead of jumping to safety himself, the husband gave his wife a violent shove, and sent her tumbling into the ditch. But then the wheel from the truck struck him, killing him instantly. They brought him to the hospital, but there was nothing we could do for him. He had died to save his wife. She was not hurt at all, except for slight bruise or two.
It was a heroic act for that husband, and his wife will always remember that he died in order to save her. But there is One who did much more than that for us. The Lord Jesus’ love was stronger than all the mighty waters of judgment that He bore for our sins. He could say, “All Thy waves and Thy billows are gone over Me” (Psalm 42:7). Yet He gladly went through it all, so that He could have you and me with Him in heaven. He made a way so that we could be saved, but He had to suffer and die in order to do it.
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Growing in Grace Blog by Bible Truth Publishers

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