Tuesday, September 17, 2024

“In all things shewing thyself a pattern [example] of good works” (Titus 2:7).
No matter how old you are, there is someone younger who is looking up to you! I have seen this played out in the meeting room after meeting as the children run around and play together. One little boy may just be six months older than the others, and yet the smaller ones run behind him and usually let him lead. What kind of example are you setting for others younger, and sometimes even older than you are?
My father told me this story about himself when he was a young boy. He walked into the living room of their home one day, and there was his older brother sitting in a chair, reading his Bible. My father looked at him, and then asked, “Are you memorizing your Sunday school verse?” The answer was, “No.” “Well, then are you answering your Scripture Searcher questions?” Again, “No.” But then his brother explained, “I’m just reading my Bible.”
Just reading his Bible! My father never forgot that, and it had an influence on his life. His brother was only four years older than he was, and it was a good example. If the older brother had come to him and told him one day that he should be reading his Bible more, I do not think it would have had nearly the impact on his life. We lead and influence others by example. We never know when others may be watching and imitating what we do. But, as well, it may be something that should not be copied, as we can be an influence for bad as well as good.
In our verse today, we are told to be an example of good works in all things. If our daily prayer is that we want to be more like our Lord Jesus, then all of this will fall into place. He will make you a blessing to others by the way you walk each day. You will not know until we get to heaven how many have been blessed, and how many lives changed, through your example.
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Growing in Grace Blog by Bible Truth Publishers

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