Friday, September 20, 2024
“Jehovah is exalted; for He dwelleth on high … and He shall be the stability of thy times” (Isaiah 33:5-6 JND).
The expression “times” is often used in English to describe a period of time that is characterized by certain things. For example, we might speak of the “the times of Elijah,” which would define the character of the days when Elijah lived. Some of you are probably familiar with a hymn where every verse starts out, “Our times are in Thy hands.” Here in our verse we are told that the Lord shall be the stability of our times. Of course this was originally spoken to the nation of Israel, but you and I can apply it to ourselves.
As I write this is 2022, we are certainly living in very mixed-up times, and things are not very stable. The Covid virus has upset all of our lives, and we hardly know from day to day what will happen. Regulations about the virus change rapidly, and everyone’s ability to travel has been disrupted. Supply chains for various things are not the same as they were, and often things we expect to find in stores are not available to us. Children are having to study at home instead of going to school, and people are often not allowed to visit even close relatives in the hospital. In some countries many people are out of work, and find it hard to buy food. On top of all this, various nations are trying to make themselves stronger and more important, and are causing trouble for other nations.
In the middle of all this, we might be tempted to “throw up our hands,” and to say, “What is the use? We cannot be sure of anything today!” Some people are reacting like this, and some are so discouraged that they are committing suicide. But here in our verse we are reminded that the Lord is the stability of our times. He never changes, and what He has said in His Word will surely come to pass. He has promised to look after us all the way home to heaven, and “all the promises of God in Him are yea, and in Him Amen, unto the glory of God by us” (2 Corinthians 1:20). Let us not be discouraged or upset by the changes in this world. Rather, let us draw closer to the One who never changes. We can rest on what He says.
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Growing in Grace Blog by Bible Truth Publishers

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