“Their land also is full of silver and gold … their land is also full of horses … their land also is full of idols” (Isaiah 2:7-8). |
The prophet Isaiah prophesied to the nation of Israel, specifically to Judah, more than 700 years before the Lord Jesus was born into this world. Although God had not yet brought judgment down upon the people, He shows clearly through Isaiah how bad they had become. They were a wealthy people, with plenty of silver and gold. Also, they had many horses, and in those days horses and chariots were the main part of a good army. No doubt they had confidence in those horses and chariots, and felt that they could defend themselves. |
However, the Lord then says that the land also was “full of idols.” They still had Solomon’s temple, and still carried on with the worship of the Lord to some extent, but they were mixing it with the worship of false gods. Eventually God was going to have to judge them for this. They had been warned before, and now Isaiah gives them another warning. |
Does all this remind you and me of the world we live in today? In the so-called Western world, we have enough money, and most countries have good armies, navies, and air forces to defend themselves. Many people in Western countries are confident that everything is going to be all right, and that their good life will just keep on going. |
But there are also many idols. They are not the same kinds of idols that are spoken of in our verse for today. Most people we know do not have physical idols in their home. Rather, their idol is in their heart. What we have instead are the things of this world — nice homes, fancy cars, boats, summer cottages, good food, nice clothes, and many other things. There is nothing wrong with any of these things, and they do not have to become idols, but if they are what people’s hearts are going after, those things can make them forget about eternity. Satan is using all this to persuade people that everything will be all right. Many will end up like the rich man in Luke 12, who trusted in his good harvest, yet did not realize that he would die that night. |
It is very important to consider our souls’ salvation, and to accept the Lord Jesus now. Then we can live for Him in this world, and know where we will spend eternity. |