Sunday, October 13, 2024
“Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies” (Proverbs 31:10).
Today’s verse refers to a young woman, so young ladies, this is for you. Tomorrow will be reserved for the young men.
If you read the first verse of Proverbs 31, you will notice that it was “his mother” talking to King Lemuel. It is quite possible that this king could be Solomon. Even that very wise king needed to hear good advice from his mother on marriage. He needed to learn how to make a good choice in a wife, and how to treat her!
There are many varied opinions buzzing around us today about the roles of men and women. Yes, you are told in the Western world, you can do anything a man can do. “Go for it!” You can pack your briefcase in the morning, head out the door to your career, and still be a good wife and mother in the home. In some countries, women are often oppressed. They cannot drive a car, or even go out in the street to buy groceries without a man along. They must cover their faces with a veil in public — quite different ways of thinking. But God’s Word has advice.
Right from the beginning, God put the man in the place of leadership. This happened away back in the Garden of Eden with the creation of Adam and Eve. We all know that there cannot be two leaders of an army, two teachers at the same time in the classroom, or two bosses on the same job site. One must lead, and God says that is the man’s responsibility. Where does that put us as girls and women? In a happy marriage, the husband wants to hear and consider his wife’s opinions. But as women, we are given an area to supervise for which we have a natural ability. That is, running the home. And you will find if you reach that stage in life, that it is a challenging and most important job. The Bible does not assume we will all get married. Until you have a home of your own, there are many varied and interesting careers and ways to earn a living. Sometimes after you are married there may be a need for you to help with the income in the home.
The “virtuous woman” does not just sit at home and scrub dirty pots and pans! Nor is she spending all her time gossiping. No, she is out buying a field. That means she is handling the family’s money wisely. She makes “fine linen,” sells it, and spends long hours making clothing to keep her children warm. She works hard! But the chapter concludes that her children will admire and appreciate her, and her husband will praise her (see verse 28).
So, two things to think about … 
Remember that your mom likes a word of appreciation and thankfulness as often as you can give it to her!
Remember that when the time comes for you to be prayerfully considering someone whom you might marry, take a long, hard look and ask the Lord, “Is this a man that I can respect and follow when he takes the lead?”
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Growing in Grace Blog by Bible Truth Publishers

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