Monday, October 14, 2024
“Quit yourselves like men; be strong. Let all things ye do be done in love” (1 Corinthians 16:13-14 JND).
As I mentioned yesterday, today’s talk is mainly for young men, although the young women may read it too.
In the Western world today, young men are often confused about what they should do, and how they should act. Even we older men sometimes do not know what we should do. Let me give you an illustration. A few years ago I was in an airport, and stepped up to an elevator. I had to wait a minute or two for it, and in the meanwhile several younger women stepped up too. When the elevator arrived, I immediately stepped back to allow the women to get on first. But instead of getting on, they just stood there, until I was finally obliged to get on. They got on behind me, and then one of them immediately asked me if I was all right. She evidently thought there was something medically wrong with me that I had just stood there and did not get on ahead of them. (I did not get into an explanation, but simply assured her that I was perfectly all right.)
In our verses today, the Apostle Paul is speaking to the Corinthian assembly, but his advice is very good for us men today. He tells them to be strong, yet to do everything with love. What a good combination! When men talk about being strong, sometimes they mean being “macho.” This simply means being tough, perhaps even mean and fierce, and with a domineering attitude toward women. We never find this to be a proper manly attitude in the Bible.
Rather, the Lord wants men to take the place of leadership in a protective and helpful way, and to treat women with love and respect. Despite the wrong attitudes prevailing in the Western world today, most women will respond to this character in a man. However, as Paul points out, this strength and leadership must be tempered with love. An overbearing and arrogant attitude will not do; this is not the character God wants in men.
It is important for Christian young men to develop this type of leadership and love. It is sadly lacking in the world today, and if men would act as they should, I believe that women would respond to it. (They did not respond at that elevator; they were evidently accustomed to being treated just like men.) May the Lord help us in these last days to walk in the wisdom of His Word, and not in this world’s wisdom.
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Growing in Grace Blog by Bible Truth Publishers

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