“And when even was come, the ship was in the midst of the sea, and He [Jesus] alone on the land. And he saw them [the disciples] toiling in rowing” (Mark 6:47-48). |
Have you ever seen a professional rowing team in action? It is a most graceful and rhythmic sight. A team often consists of eight men plus the coxswain (pronounced “cox’n”). He is the team member that sits in the rear of the boat and directs the whole operation. Of course, the rowers are sitting with their backs to where they are going, and only the coxswain can see what lies ahead. He calls the “stroke” so that the team all pulls together, and he also directs when to pull left or right to keep the boat on course. He is like a coach. He does not contribute physically but motivates and with his vision ahead, without touching an oar, steers the boat. The rowers must have faith in their coxswain and trust him fully. |
As the boat races along its course, the rowers work to their absolute limit, for rowing is a competitive sport. But you would not usually say they were “toiling in rowing.” So, what was happening in our verse today? The disciples were crossing the Sea of Galilee, and a storm had come up. Verse 48 says, “the wind was contrary unto them.” But the Lord Jesus was not in the boat with them. They had no “coxswain.” |
They were afraid and had no one to calm, direct, and motivate them. No one to call the “stroke” and help them pull together with assurance. They were toiling. Jesus comes alongside and talks with them. “Be of good cheer: it is I; be not afraid” (vs. 50). He gets into the ship, and the wind stops. All is well. |
In everyday life, it is often with us as it was with Jesus’ disciples that day on the Sea of Galilee. We are struggling to keep on course, and often fearful of the outcome of something we are doing. They were actually doing what Jesus had told them to do! Verse 45 it tells us that He told them to get into the ship and cross to the other side. But they were finding out that they could not do it in their own strength. They needed the help of their Lord, the Creator of the seas. |
No coxswain could calm a storm so his team could win a race! But we need to invite Jesus into the ship with us, each and every day. He can see the end of our journey and knows just which way to direct the rowing. He can make us all pull together. He can motivate and encourage. We dare not take the journey without Him in the boat with us. The way may sometimes be rough, but we do not need to “toil.” |