Saturday, November 16, 2024
“And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch” (Acts 11:26).
In the time that we are now living, believers in the Lord Jesus are accustomed to referring to one another as Christians, and the name has become firmly attached to those who follow Christ. It is interesting to notice that this was not always so, and that in the beginning of Christianity, those who believed on the Lord Jesus, and followed Him, were simply referred to as “that way,” or “the way.” When Saul of Tarsus went to Damascus to try and arrest believers, it simply says that “if he found any of this way … he might bring them bound unto Jerusalem” (Acts 9:2).
When the gospel was being spread, and many were saved in a city called Antioch, it seems that worldly people began to call them Christians, and as we would say in modern language, “the name stuck.” From that time on those who followed the Lord Jesus were called Christians. Even though it was given to them by worldly people, the name “Christian” is a wonderful name to be called. It identifies us with the name of the Lord Jesus, and with others who follow Him.
Do we always deserve that name? I am reminded of a Christian young man who was hired by a big company and given a responsible position. On his first day at work, he took his Bible with him and placed it in a prominent place on his desk. As other employees passed by and interacted with him, they noticed the Bible and asked him if he were a Christian. His reply was very good. He said, “Yes, I am a Christian, but I am not going to ask you to call me a Christian unless you see in my life the character and behavior that a Christian should have.”
Sometimes worldly people know better than we do, what should characterize a Christian, and they can be very quick to notice something that is not Christ-like. We should all want to be identified as Christians, but then our behavior should be consistent with the name of Christ.
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Growing in Grace Blog by Bible Truth Publishers

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