Tuesday, November 19, 2024

“O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in Him” (Psalm 34:8).
Many small children, and especially babies, do not like to try eating new things. Also, I have known young people who would eat only pizza or “mac and cheese” (macaroni and cheese). Of course, those of us who are older can also become very set in our diet, and not like to try something different. We like what we have become accustomed to eating, and do not want to change. Yet often, when we are willing to try something different, we find that we do like it.
I remember a little boy about 1½ years old who had never tasted ice cream. When someone offered him a lick of an ice cream cone, he flatly refused, and consistently turned his face away. Finally the man who had the ice cream cone pushed the cone onto the boy’s lips, smearing them with a little of the ice cream. Immediately the boy licked his lips, and as you may imagine, immediately wanted more.
On another occasion the mother of a small boy wanted him to start eating tomatoes, but again, he flatly refused. Finally his father told him he had to try them, and after eating some, the boy immediately said, in his childlike speech, “Likes it!” His mother told me this story herself.
We understand all this in natural things, for often we need only to try something in order to find out that we enjoy it. But how much more is this principle true in divine things! An older Christian brother used to remind us often that “all our failures, whether as sinners or as believers, is because we do not believe the goodness that is in the heart of God.” This is true. We do not come to Christ as unbelievers because Satan persuades us that we will be happier in our sins than in coming to Christ. We do not live more for the Lord’s glory as believers because somehow we believe that a little of the old nature and the world will make us happier than enjoying the Lord.
What is the answer? It is found in our verse for today; we must “taste and see.” The more we taste of Christ, the more we will want, for He satisfies, and in a lasting way.
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Growing in Grace Blog by Bible Truth Publishers

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