Saturday, December 7, 2024
“The Lord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and He knoweth them that trust in Him” (Nahum 1:7).
This verse, tucked away in the book of Nahum, has been a great comfort to many. The first chapter of Nahum is full of judgment, and tells us what the Lord is going to do in a coming day, when the Lord Jesus comes back to this world to take His rightful place. However, the goodness of God is always there, for God is good. He may have to bring judgment down upon the wicked, for He is a holy God, and must judge sin. But in that coming day of trouble, the Lord will protect those who follow Him. He will recognize them that trust in Him, and will be a strong hold for them.
You and I can take this verse, and apply it to ourselves too. There are plenty of problems in our Christian pathway through this world, and perhaps some of them are small problems. The Lord wants us to feel free to come to Him even with small difficulties, for He is never too busy to listen to us, and to help us with a problem.
However, sometimes we have a really big problem in our life, and it is almost more than we can bear. I knew a family some years ago whose house burned down, and it was a real blow to them. They were able to rebuild the house because they had insurance, but they lost many things in the fire that they could not replace. I remember another situation where the father lost his job and could not immediately find another one. He had a good job, and it was very hard for his family when suddenly they had no income. In still another family one of their children was killed suddenly by being hit by a car. All these were Christian families, and these events in their lives were very hard on them.
In these situations particularly we must remember that the Lord is good, and that He wants to be our strong hold in the day of trouble. A strong hold is normally a place where we can hide from trouble, and the Lord is able to do that for us. This does not mean that the trouble suddenly goes away, but He is our strong hold in the trouble.
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Growing in Grace Blog by Bible Truth Publishers

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