Saturday, December 14, 2024
“A good soldier of Jesus Christ … that he may please Him who hath chosen him to be a soldier” (2 Timothy 2:3-4).
We have talked a bit about the various parts of the armor we need to wear as Christians. All are very important. But what about the character and commitment of the soldier who is putting on this armor, and picking up that sword?
First of all, today’s verse tells us that the soldier has been “chosen” by the Lord Jesus Christ. What an honor and privilege this is for us! So, you are chosen and equipped with the tools. Now there is the training.
As young people we must walk with God, before we can fight for God. This takes purpose and daily reading of our Bibles, and talking with our “Captain” in prayer. Then we must follow His instructions. We do not draw up our own battle plans. And this war is an on-going one, every day of our lives. That takes spiritual food to keep us strong to fight. And commitment. And persistence. Spiritual exercise (not the 100 push-ups kind)!
Whom are we fighting? “We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Ephesians 6:12). A powerful and determined foe. As we have often mentioned in other meditations, Satan is always in attack mode, so we must always be on the defensive.
The battle? It is a fierce one and we are told to “endure hardness” (2 Timothy 2:3). It is not fought from a life of ease and fun. We are to put to one side anything that might hinder our ability to fight. How can we fight an enemy if we are dipping into his store of enticing things to enjoy ourselves?
Our goal? We have eternity before us. We have the remembrance of what our Savior endured to make us His children. He is worthy of our full allegiance! Here is a quotation I enjoyed: “When a young Christian hoists his flag, and lets his friends know that he is for Christ, half the battle is over.”
It is a daily affair. When the children of Israel marched around those high walls of Jericho, they did it every day for six days. Each day, they were just told to do it again. No reason given. No knowing the outcome. They obeyed orders and all that was heard was the marching of those many pairs of sandals. The enemy looking from high on the walls most likely made fun of that crowd below. But God had His purposes, and it ended in a great victory for those obedient people.
How will our warfare end? “With all boldness … Christ shall be magnified” (Philippians 1:20). And then that great verse in 1 Corinthians 15:57 — “Thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!”
He is worthy of our best.
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Growing in Grace Blog by Bible Truth Publishers

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