“Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good” (Romans 12:21). |
This is a very important verse. It is good to learn the lesson it teaches at a young age. In Romans chapter 12, Paul is giving a lot of good instruction to believers, as to how to behave in their Christian lives, whether in meeting the world, or meeting with other believers. Finally, he sums it all up in our verse for today, and we notice that the verse has two parts. We are not to be overcome of evil, but we are to overcome evil with good. |
It is very easy in this world for us as Christians to be overcome of evil. Peter, one of the most valued disciples of the Lord Jesus, found this out. He was overconfident in his own ability to be faithful to the Lord, but when he got into the company of this world, he very soon denied ever knowing the Lord Jesus. When someone said, for the third time, that Peter was with the Lord Jesus, he even began to curse and to swear. If Peter had not been so confident in himself, he would have relied more on the Lord’s strength, and he would not have denied his Lord. |
But the other half of the verse is important too. It is not enough merely to avoid doing what is wrong. We are also to do what is right, and then we overcome evil with good. When the Lord Jesus was being crucified, he did not complain or say anything to the soldiers who were doing it. He did not threaten them when they made fun of Him, put a crown of thorns on His head, or when they scourged Him. Rather, He said, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34). He was not overcome of evil, but He overcame evil with good. |
The Lord wants us to do the same thing. We do not need to be defeated by the evil in this world, for the Lord wants to help us get the victory. But He also wants us to follow His example in overcoming the evil with good. |