Monday, February 3, 2025
“We know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28).
This verse is sometimes hard for us to appreciate, yet it is clearly found in the Word of God. It is not easy to believe that even the difficult things in our lives are working together for good, and that we will profit by them eventually. Sometimes we are called to go through very trying times in our lives, and perhaps we wonder why the Lord has allowed them.
I remember that when I was a boy, an elderly Christian couple was driving along a road in the United States. I did not know them, but my parents did. A big truck carrying new cars was coming the other way on the road. The new cars must not have been secured properly, for suddenly one of them came loose and fell off the truck, right on top of the car in which the older couple were driving. The impact killed both of them instantly. We might wonder why the Lord allowed this, and what good could come out of it. But the Lord tells us that “all things work together for good” in our lives as Christians. Do we really believe this?
I have known even dear believers who became bitter and angry because of difficult things that happened in their lives, and sometimes they never got over it for the rest of their time in this world. I knew a young man who encountered some hard circumstances in his life, and he was a true Christian. Yet in commenting on what had happened, he said, “The Lord let me down.” I shuddered when I heard that remark, for the Lord loves us too much to allow something in our lives that is not for our good. If He was willing to suffer all that agony on the cross for us, in order to redeem us, will He allow things in our lives that make us suffer for no reason? It is not a good sign when we begin to distrust the Lord, and to think that He is not treating us well. We must justify God in all things, and then remember that no matter what He allows in our lives, “All things work together for good.”
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Growing in Grace Blog by Bible Truth Publishers

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