Saturday, March 8, 2025
“But the very hairs of your head are all numbered” (Matthew 10:30).
Do you know how many hairs there are on your head? It would be quite a big job to count them all, yet this verse tells us that the Lord knows how many are on each of our heads. If you are interested, then I can tell you approximately how many hairs you have, and it actually depends on your hair color. People with blond hair usually have the most; they can have up to 150,000 hairs on their scalps. Others with darker hair probably have close to 100,000, or maybe even 110,000. People with red hair have the fewest, perhaps about 90,000. Of course all these numbers can vary, depending on the size of your head. Also, as we get older, we tend to lose some of our hair, as it gets thinner. Some people, especially men, frequently go bald, and then their “hair count” goes down considerably. But what an amazing fact it is that the Lord actually keeps track of all this!
The Lord does this to show us how much He cares for us, and how much He loves us. But more important than our hair count, is the fact that He knows everything about us, even what we are thinking. When the Lord Jesus was on earth, he sometimes answered people according to their thoughts, for he knew exactly what was going through their minds. When He answered them this way, it ought to have shown them clearly that He was God, although He became a man too. But sad to say, most people did not believe on Him.
However, for us who know the Lord Jesus, it should give us real peace to know that He knows all about us, and cares for us. It is a great comfort to know that someone who knows everything about us is also looking after us!
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Growing in Grace Blog by Bible Truth Publishers

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