105. Nothing but the Name of Jesus
Nothing but the name of Jesus
Can avail in danger’s hour;
Nothing but the name of Jesus,
When the clouds of trouble lower;
Only through the blood of Jesus
Can the guilty soul have peace;
Only through the death of Jesus
Satan’s captives find release.
Dying sinner, look to Jesus,
Lifted on the cross for thee;
See the holy Savior, Jesus,
Stretched and nailed upon the tree.
Why that piercing cry of anguish?
Why did God His Son forsake?
Shall the spotless Victim languish?
Must His heart for sorrows break?
Sinner, hear the matchless story,
Listen simply and believe;
From the risen Lord in glory,
Life, eternal life, receive;
Jesus died — thy condemnation,
Thine, believer, Jesus bore;
Conquered grave, thy desolation,
Rose, and lives to die no more.