Sent Forth Lacking Nothing

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 15
During a Scripture lesson given to a class of children, the question was asked,
"When the Lord Jesus sent out His disciples two and two into the world, to preach the gospel and to work for Him, did He give them any directions? Did He, for instance, say anything to them about their luggage, about what they would have to take with them?"
"Oh yes, He did," promptly answered a bright little fellow, "the Lord Jesus told them that He would see that they had all they needed, so they needn't trouble themselves about taking anything at all with them, and their clothes and shoes would do."
The child stroked his own clothes down complacently as he spoke, evidently with a boy's thorough appreciation of the feeling of relief which it must have given to each of the disciples to hear that he might thus start off at once, just as he was, free from all encumbrances.
O that all disciples of the Lord in this our day, whether evangelists, or those servants in their own home circles, may drink more deeply into this childlike spirit, this true idea of service, entire dependence upon the One who sends them forth, and freedom from all that would distract the heart or hinder the feet.
If encumbered by seeking riches, surely "the cares of this world," or "the lusts of other things" may prove to be an equally ensnaring and impeding burden. It is enough for every disciple that he be as his Master who sought no accumulation of treasure for Himself on earth, but simply to do the will of Him that sent Him.