The Diary of a Soul

By the Editor
The Eclipse of Faith
In the Year 1920 the spiritual world seemed trembling under the thundering shock of the Red onrush that was seeking to break down the frontiers of civilization from pole to pole. Out of the vast hell-pit in Asia had come the Satanic power that overwhelmed Russia, and brought ruin to Germany and Austria, and cast its lurid shadow over Italy, France and England. The whole world seemed to be in eclipse. Slowly the great shadow creeps all over the earth, and today we find the children made a special object of this Satanic menace. Unless a mighty effort is made by every Christian in the world today, the minds of the young will be imbued with all the wickedness of the bottomless pit.
Read the printed orders scattered broadcast today as how to open and conduct a Proletarian School, and if you love the Lord and the children, help us all you can to send every child a copy of the Word of God. Remember? that for £5 we can send five hundred Testaments to five hundred children post free.
Yours for Christ’s and the children’s sake,
Heyman Wreford.