How to Open and Conduct a Proletarian School

In this review we find the Communists look upon the Deity not as One to assist them, but as One who, like everybody but Communists, is against their cause. This is no doubt nearer the truth than even the Communists themselves suspect. Here are some directions from the official handbook referred to above: — “To teach the children the ideal of Revolution — that should be the primary aim of a Proletarian School. Our songs should be songs breathing the spirit of the Revolution.”
“Such words as patriotism or love of country will die with the political state.”
“A boy and girl should be taught a real live red hot revolutionary speech to take about ten minutes.”
“Then, why should we say it is love or spirit or souls or God that direct men and women in the right way? Such is not the case... There is no soul or spirit as they (the Capitalist Class) conceive it. It does not exist.”
“The Priest teaches us our lesson of humility not for any fear of God in heaven, but that he must carry out the wish of the master here below.”
The basic doctrine of the schools is officially founded on “The Ten Proletarian Maxims,” included among which are the following: ―
Thou shalt not be a patriot, for a patriot is an international blackleg.
Thou shalt teach revolution, for revolution means the abolition of the present political State, the end of Capitalism.
Thou shalt demand on behalf of your class the complete surrender of the Capitalist Class.
Thou shalt wage the class war... the emancipation of the working class from wage slavery must be brought about by themselves.
.. Thou shalt renounce craft unionism and work for the organization of the working class into one vast Industrial Union to take and hold the means of life.
From a children’s officially printed dialogue on these maxims we get the following: ―
Girl. “What do you mean when you say you are class-conscious?”
Boy. “Class-conscious is the recognition of your commodity status in the Bourgeois state.”
Girl. “But we have been told by the Church that we have an immortal soul — that we are not a commodity.”
Boy. “That is so; but the priest and the parson are part of the system, and they tell you that to blind you.”
Girl. “But why do so many people believe in the Christian religion if it is not true?”
Boy. “The Christian religion is part of the class state which so colors its dogma that the people believe it.”
Girl. “What about our boss?”
Boy. “He is a Judas Iscariot, a legal robber, a pillar of the Church, everything, that he might deceive your class.”
The danger signal lies not only in the number of these Proletarian children’s groups — they can now be counted in hundreds — but in the fact that the children are intended to act as missionaries in the home, the playground, and the day school. “There is no real God. There is no true God,” acknowledge these children.”
Think of it, my readers! Some may say, “Why put such unsavoury things in your magazine?” I do it to show you the kind of enemy you have to fight, and how impossible it will be without the help of God to rescue these dear boys and girls from the hands of the devil. The awful peril to child life today — how many realize it?
“O God in heaven the children suffer,” “but in heaven their angels do always behold the face of My Father which is in heaven.” Thou wilt look down in pity on these young lives, and help us to rescue them from their awful peril. May we be able to give every child a copy of Thy Holy Word. May more earnestness of purpose mark our Sunday school and children’s services. May real conversion be aimed at. This we ask for Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen.