The Diary of a Soul

By The Editor
The Progress of our Work
I HAVE been laid aside for a few weeks, and have had to rest away from home. My absence from Exeter has been a period of marked increase in the work. I am reproducing my August circular on the last page of this number of MESSAGE. Many of my readers may not have perused it before, but they will note as they read how great is the increase in our distribution of Testaments and Gospel Books this year.
I acknowledge, with gratitude, the great and sustained help that has been given to me to carry on the work in Exeter, so that my absence has not been allowed to let it suffer in the slightest degree. I thank God for that!
While, the claims of men and women in every part of the world has our sympathy and help as far as we can give it, yet the children are appealing to us very strongly now. They need the prayerful help of all God’s people now.
We are doing all we can to reach the children in their need.
The Need in British Guiana.
Beloved Brother, — British Guiana.
It is now a long time since I heard from you, and replied thanking you for the Testaments and books so kindly sent me. You may be delighted to know, however, that untold blessings have been brought to souls and many are the thousand praises ascending to Father for Dr. Wreford and his testimony in “What is there after Death?” I visited a Boys’ Reformatory and found myself outnumbered by the requests of the boys who wanted Testaments in preference to everything else, as in that whole institution of many hundred boys and lads there was only one. Guess the surprise of the officials when they learned that an interested brother in England had sent them for free distribution. I could only wish indeed for more, so that my poor people may have more personal access to the Word. Enclosed please find £1. This I received some days ago from a clear sister, who since reading your appeal some time ago for help to distribute the Testaments had been moved to offer this her mite, and so she wrote asking me to forward it to you for the Testament Fund...
I beg again your prayers on my behalf as also for the three assemblies with me, in these very troublous times, when there is so great a dearth of the truly spiritual, and so much of unreality and so much superficial or otherwise mistaken or misused zeal, we can only fall on our faces and bend ourselves low in Father’s presence. Oh, I confess truly that the present condition of things and the high hand of the Prince of this world working more mightily than ever before and under the most subtle and dangerous guise religion would tend to drive one to despondency had we not the Word — blessed be God for evermore; and had we not His precious promises. Soon our morn will break, and our weeping’s forever ended. What a wondrous change then — Cross, Crown; Sorrow, Rejoicing; Faith, Sight; Hope, Realization; Prayer, Praise. Let us rejoice.,
Affectionately yours in the Master’s service, F. C.
From Canada
Dear Sir, — Canada
Someone has sent me one of your papers, “A Message from God,” and it is such good reading. Could you send me a few back numbers suitable for young people? For some years the Lord has given me much joy in the posting of small packets of Gospel papers to people living away from towns. One young girl from a small place in this province says, “Church service is only held here three times a year,” and asks for more booklets. A boy in Newfoundland writes that there are about fifty children in the island where he is living; no Sunday School, but a Church. It is so important to tell the children of a Saviour’s love ere they are drawn into Christian Science, New Thought, etc. The R.C.’s are strong in Canada. (As a young girl, many years ago, I heard you give some lectures in Blackheath, and remember still how dear father and I enjoyed them.)
Thanking you, sincerely yours,
Mrs. D. B.
If God has saved your soul, help us to send His Word far and wide, so that the blessing of salvation may be known by thousands, young and old.
Yours affectionately in Christ,
Heyman Wreford.