The Crime Against the Children

It is increasing in intensity; the nation is alarmed at the menace; how much more should those who know the Lord be, and seek by divine means to stay the progress of this devil’s work. In our own city (Exeter) efforts are being made to set up a Proletariat Sunday School, to teach the children there, among other things, a disbelief in Christianity and in the existence of God, to spread opposition to the existing order, and to inculcate sedition and revolution. Petitions are being sent to Parliament about these things; we must besiege heaven with our prayers, not alone for Exeter, but for all the world. God save the dear children, Friends, help us to give every child who sends to us, a Testament. The Word of the living God is the two-edged sword that will destroy the works of darkness.
I am printing a few letters from workers. Pray for our work for the young and help us all you can.