Letters from Workers Among the Children from; Council School

To Dr. Heyman Wreford. Dear Sir,— Six dozen Testaments received, for which please accept my sincere thanks. Am enclosing filled in forms. The older children are now supplied, which I am sure wilt benefit them greatly. They seem to prize them very much. Wishing your work every success. I am, yours truly, M.S.H.
A Senior Boys’ School
Dear Sir, — Haring seen several of your little Testaments I am quite convinced that they are just the thing for school children. In my department I have between 350 and 400 scholars, and as I am not allowed to requisition Bibles, the study of Scripture has been somewhat neglected, as many homes in the neighborhood do not possess a Bible. Could you please supply me with, say, 300, and if so I should be greatly indebted. Enclosed please find envelope for reply. I am, yours faithfully, R.F.J.
A Senior Boys’ School—A Second Letter
Dear Sir, — Thanks very much for the Testaments received yesterday. The boys are delighted with them, and I have several more forms filled in. I might say I have passed 17 forms on to a Sunday School teacher whose brother has had a Testament. Will send forms in due course. Again thanking you very, very much. — Yours truly, M.P.
The Conversion of Children
Dear Sir, —Thank you very much indeed for that lovely parcel. I do, feel so grateful. It is a real God-send, and the contents are just exactly what I was wanting. Quite a number of the boys and girls in my father’s school here have found the Saviour, and I let some of the girls read the children’s papers through first, and they liked them very much. Three have only quite recently come to the Lord Jesus.
I feel sure God will bless them all later in the colleges. They had no sooner arrived than they created a good deal of opposition, and I was told I wasn’t to do it. So I trust it is because Satan is afraid of them. We are expecting a French Roman Catholic girl of eighteen here this week, and I sincerely trust some may help her. They are so attractive: looking, and. I do hope she may be persuaded to read them and find the Saviour. I feel sure God is sending her for that, though she doesn’t know it. I don’t know if it’s asking too much to ask prayer, but I am so troubled now about two big boys (about 15 and 12), who can’t seem to see the way of salvation. We had a long talk this afternoon, and in the end I had to let them go still in the dark. We break up school tomorrow, and they are going away. It seems so dreadful when one can’t point an anxious soul at once and they can’t explain what the trouble is. Perhaps God will use one of your hooks to help them. — Thanking you again very much. Yours faithfully,
A Teacher’s Request
Dear Sir, — I thank you for sending me this Testament, and I cannot explain in writing how pleased 1 am to know what great work you have done and are doing since I wrote you last. I have taken up Sunday School work and, with the help of God, I am endeavoring to try and teach these young boys and girls the love of Jesus Christ. Will you kindly forward me by return of post twenty of these Testaments? I am teaching in a part of this town where the love of God seems something new... Trusting you will help me in this work, and if there is anything else you think would be helpful I shall always be pleased to know, so that I can send out the light of Jesus Christ in this neighborhood. — I am. Yours in the Master’s service. J.P.
Drunken Parents
Dear Sir, —One of the boys in my Sunday School class was telling me yesterday that by sending to you I could obtain a New Testament. There is one little boy in my class who said he would like one very much, but as he has drunken parent’s he said they would not let him send for one, so I.am sending for one for him. I am sure it is very kind of you to distribute them free of charge. ― W.L.C.
Children Eager for Testaments
Dear Dr. Wreford, — Will you please send me another parcel as usual? Have enclosed P.O. for 5/- towards your noble work for the Master, and may His richest blessing fall on all that you are doing for Him. I am still praising and praying, and using every opportunity of spreading the glorious news, and it is very encouraging to see the children running after me wherever I go asking for your Testaments, which of course I gladly give to them, and tell them to read them every day, and they will grow up to be splendid men and women, and will take them to heaven when they die if they trust Him and try to live what it teaches. — Yours faithfully in His service, H.H.
A Last Word for July
We are much encouraged at the earnest way in which our friends are taking up the cause of the children. These boys and girls are in terrible danger. We want to get into communication with any child who wants a Testament; with any Sunday School teacher who wants Testaments for his or her class. We will correspond with any children anxious about their souls.
For £5 we can send five hundred Testaments to five hundred children post free. For 5/- we can send a parcel to workers among the young, and four parcels for £1.
Any gifts you may be led to send for the children may be addressed to: — Dr. Heyman Wreford, The Firs, Denmark Road, Exeter.
Yours for Christ’s sake,
Heyman Wreford.