By The Editor
Christ is Coming — Death is Busy
THE Lord Jesus Christ! How little He is thought of today, and yet without Him no human being the world can be saved.
Ah! my reader, let us pause a moment and contemplate Him, who is the central Figure in the universe of God. All things in the past centered around Him — the present is the sphere in which God is carrying out His wondrous work of grace through Him and by Him — the future is all dominated, in the purposes of God, by Him. “For by Him, and through Him and to Him are all things.”
What is Christ to you? There is no hope for this world apart from Christ. Men are dying daily by tens of thousands in their sins, because they will not believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved. Every day the papers are full of death — men dying suddenly by the hand of God or through the instrumentality of man, allowed by God.
You may die today, and to die without Christ is to die eternally — not to be annihilated — but to suffer the pangs of a death that never dies — apart from God.
The Saviour of the world left the world one thousand nine hundred and twenty-two years ago. He has been in heaven, from whence He came, when He became Man, since then. And all through these twenty centuries His gospel has been proclaimed far and wide. And He is coming again, and He may come today. He has left His servants definite work to do for Him before He returns. He says to His people, “Occupy till I come.” I am bringing before you now what a Christian has said about working for Christ.