Thank God that the Lord is working by His Holy Spirit, bringing many precious souls to Himself, raising up His own witnesses in these closing days. A recent letter from a friend tells of meetings held in a village.
“If ever the Lord was in any place, He was in that mission. Meth and women came to the call of Jesus; converts almost every night. A young man was killed at the pit, and his friend, who was with him, came to the meeting at night and was converted. I thank our Lord Jesus Christ myself because I have been greatly helped. A short time ago I went with a friend, and while they were getting the horse ready to go hack I went up into the marketplace and gave out some tracts and preached the gospel. How wonderfully the Lord helps us when, doing work for Him. ‘Open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it.’ Yes, we can praise the Lord, for He is always near.”