"Will it be 'Too Late' for You?"

Not long ago I paid a visit to some friends, where there lived an elderly Christian gentleman, and as we gathered round the fire on that cold, wintry night, he told me how God brought him to a knowledge of His power to save.
He was called to go and see a man he knew who was dying, and when he had been some time with the dying man, he felt he had to speak a word about his soul―although he was not saved himself — but the dying man shook his head, and said: ―
“Too late! Too late!”
It was awful for that never-dying soul was doomed to an endless eternity of woe, and he died like that.
For many weeks that cry of despair, “Too late!” haunted this man, and he could not get away from them, nor wipe them out of his memory. He had that fear that the same awful doom would befall him also, but eventually this lesson led him to find Christ as his Saviour.
Oh, sinner, “flee from the wrath to come”! Are you song spiritual seed that leads to life eternal, or the seed that leads to destruction in the lake of fire?
T. C. Renouf.
NOTE. —The young Christian who wrote this solemn appeal has gone to be with Christ. After much weakness and suffering, borne with complete resignation, he passed happily and peacefully away to be with Christ. May it be true that he, being dead, may yet speak to many in this solemn narrative!