The Trinity

Colossians 2:9
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Address—A. Roach
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Thistle through the Colossians for an opening verse. Galatians. I see. Ephesians. Philippians, Colossians.
Colossians chapter 2 and verse 9.
For in Him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead. Finally, we want to speak tonight of a very precious and elevated subject.
We would want to tread softly for the ground. Where are we going to stand? And this subject is holy ground we have had before us in the previous meetings we've had manned.
Try on them. We've had angels and spirits sent forth, the minister for those who shall be heir to salvation. But tonight we want to rise to a higher ground. You want to consider what the Word of God has to say about the Godhead itself, In short, about the Trinity of truth that has been assailed much.
In recent years, now it's it's very plain and simple.
That God could not be known unless he revealed Himself. His eternal power and divinity can be seen in creation, but divinity is not the Godhead. As such, Divinity lifts us up to what is of God. And this is the only passage in the New Testament where the word God had properly belongs, though it is found in two other places in this version.
Here it says in him that is in Christ.
Dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. You and I would never know what was in the Godhead, or what was in the heart of God, unless He had opened it up to us and revealed it to us in His precious Word. Now before we look at many Scriptures, and I trust again, we will not weary turning our Bibles back and forth, for no one truth I repeat myself again.
Is put down in the catalog fashion in one chapter of the Bible. They lost certain subjects, yes.
But there are many precious truths that permeate the whole book. I want to mention before we look at the positive side of things, I'd like to take up two attacks that are made on the Trinity. One is made by so-called intellectual men, atheists. Others are made by religious men from within. Now the usual argument of the rationalist, the man who tries to reason things out with his mind, he tries to deny the truth.
Trinity by saying that Christianity has derived the Trinity from paganism. And as usual, infidels are never thorough. They never examine it. They never examine the word of God thoroughly, and they never examine their own evidence thoroughly. And the reason they say that is that if you trace the history of the Pagan gods, it's a striking thing. We don't see how it originated. I'm sure that the heath and gods come in threes.
India has bombed Saiba Vishnu. Regards.
The Egyptians had three prominent gods. The Greeks had Zeus, Pluto, Poseidon. The Romans went further. They had Saturn as the father of three gods that sat Titanium was the father of Jupiter, Ploto and Neptune. That is a striking thing about this, that they they say, well, you've copied from the heathen. Well, let's just pause a moment and ask where is it? Where did the heathen get?
Free gods. And in one instance, are we going to send kind of another mythology which is very striking. Why is there a father and three sons? Where does that come from?
Four men that came out of the ark. Noah and his three sons were deified. As the time separated men from the those men coming out of the ark, they built up legends and traditions and as a result Shem, Ham and Japheth became the Jupiter, the Pluto.
The Neptune of the Romans. And so that's where you get the three gods in all the different religions, because they corrupted the truth and developed out of Noah and his three sons a series of gods. Now let us notice another mythology which is very striking. The Norse mythology tells us there was a time when the earth was filled with giants.
We get that in Genesis. You see, every mythology is a distortion of a fact of the truth.
And that mythology tells us there were giants in the earth, and the earth was in terrible condition at that time. But there was a man named, I don't know if I got the right pronunciation, but a man named Bowie had three sons, Odin, really. And they, I believe that's how they pronounce it, three sons. And here were these giants ruling the earth. And these three Suns caused the flood. This is.
Norse mythology, they caused the flood not of water.
But they cause a deluge of blood that rose up and drowned all these giants. Where did the Norseman get that from? That is that this caution of a genesis of six and seven, those chapters? All mythology has a basis of fact, but man gets it and distorts it. So you see, that proves at once that the three gods of the Norsemen, the three gods of the Romans, and so forth.
Was Shem, Ham and Japheth under different names?
Now that proves then coming back to the Trinity, there is no similarity between the truth of the Trinity and what the heathen taught as to that three gods in their cases, everyone knows God was a separate individual supposed being in the Trinity. You've got three divine persons, three persons of deity in one Godhead.
The north God and the Roman gods fought among themselves. There was no unity. They deceived one another. They be treacherous to one another. They even in some cases.
You sight the power of the other, not a bit of harmony in the heathen gods. There's no likeness whatsoever between the truth of the Trinity as taught in the Word of God and as man imagined in his midst, and all that sort of thing. But there's another subtle attempt made by man to undermine the Trinity, and that's not the brain man, so to speak, the man who want to use their intellect and set aside the Word of God.
But Manuel professed to be Christians, and they have a very subtle way of denying it.
They say this is 3 persons at all. It's one person acting in three different capacities. Now that is folly on the face of it. What we're going to see that the Father spoke from heaven to the sun on earth. How could that be one person acting in two capacities? If it was so, the one person could have to be at one place at one time. The Father speaks to the Son. And so we're going to see from Scripture what the truth of the Trinity is.
And what a wonderful thing that God has revealed that now let's kind of Genesis one for the root for the seed plot, Genesis one and verse one, Genesis one, it says in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
Let me make this further remark. We mentioned it the other evening. The difference between man and God is that God and the Godhead consists of three separate, equal persons.
Man consists of three parts, but he's only one person. A triunity is not always a Trinity. A Trinity is a triunity. In other words, God is a triune being, but he's more than that. He's a friend as a Trinity in the Godhead. Man is not a Trinity, one person, though he consists of spirit and soul and body.
In the Godhead you have 3 equal persons. Their minds are the same.
One doesn't have to convince the other to do something. They acted perfect in absolute harmony and all tonight aren't. Shouldn't we be glad that the Father loved you and me and he sent the Son. The Son says, lo, I come. And then the Spirit came down and made it all good to us. The whole Trinity has been involved in your eternal blessing and mine. Now in Genesis One we get a seed plot. I said in the beginning, God, now that word for God.
In the plural, it's Elohim. But there's a strange thing in here, which Mr. Kelly points out.
Puzzles the Jewish rabbis. While the noun is plural, the verb is singular. Now we don't say are we speaking at floral? We don't say they is coming, we say they are coming. We don't say I are coming, I say I am coming. We use a singular bird for a singular person and and a plural word where the plural is involved. But that is what is true in the original here and it says.
There's a plural noun.
But that floral mound indicates more than two persons, one and two persons, and the verb says is used for whether it be just a single person. What a marvelous thing. Here we have in in embryo. Here we have.
In the seed plot here, the truth and doctrine that there's more than one person in the Godhead. The very first statement in the Bible lets us know there's more than one person in the Godhead, but it remained for Christianity's We'll see presently for that truth to be fully revealed.
And brought out. Now let's go to the 26th verse of this chapter.
Verse 26 and God said, let us.
Make man in our image after our likeness. God said, let us, He says our image, our likeness. There's a plurality here. Here we find the Trinity planning to bring man into being. Just think of it. The whole Trinity is occupied with the blessing of man. And so here we find.
The the the whole Trinity, we don't know yet. It's not unfolded.
But we know from the New Testament when it says let us, we know there's the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. And God said let us make man after our image and after our likeness. Now having established this basic fact, let's turn to the New Testament and see how it's developed, how it's brought out into the open. Matthew chapter 3 and notice in connection with whose person?
It is brought out Matthew chapter 312, verse 13.
Cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John, to be baptized of him. But John prepared him, saying, I have need to be baptized with thee, and cometh out of me. Jesus answering, said unto him, Suffer it to be so now for us to become about to fulfill all righteousness. Then he suffered them. And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightly out of the water, and lo, the heavens were opened unto him.
He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting upon him.
And lo, a voice from heaven saying, this is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased. The mystery of Genesis One is opened up here. This is a key that unlocks the door. Why is it plural there in Genesis? Why is it us? Why is it our here we have for the first time in the Word of God.
The full Trinity revealed as such, the Holy Ghost comes down, and who does he light upon? He lights upon one who is declared by a voice from heaven to be my beloved Son.
And the voice says, my beloved Son, who is it that speaking? It has to be the Father. The Father is speaking from heaven and saying, this is my beloved Son. So you've got the Son of God on earth, you have the Father's voice from heaven, and you have the Holy Ghost coming at indwelling the only man he ever indwelt who didn't need a sacrifice for sins. We as believers are in drought by the Holy Ghost, but we never were until we were washed in the blood of Christ. We needed to be cleansed, but here was one upon whom the.
And into a clean and holy vessel. But notice it's the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Let's go to the last chapter of the book, 28th chapter. And the Lord is speaking here in verse 19.
He says, Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father.
And of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
The Father, Son, The Holy Ghost. Now we have the Trinity set before us.
And may I make a suggestive thought? I don't believe it's a correct thing to put numbers to use a numerical order. And Speaking of the members of the Trinity, we often hear someone say, oh, the 3rd place of the Trinity of the second. Well, they probably mean by that the order in which their name. But I don't think that's a good thing to do because it is not in any way that one is superior to the other. We'll see from scripture. Presently the Father and the Son are equal, and so is the Holy Spirit. Neither one.
The other in power and authority, they're equal. Now the reason it's put in this order, I believe, is quite clear. The Father mentioned first, then comes the Son, then the Holy Spirit. Why are they named in that order? Because Christ came to reveal a Father. The Father sent the Son, and then the Son reveals the Father. The Son goes back to glory and the Holy Ghost comes down and testifies to Christ. It's the order in which the three prices of the Trinity have worked.
In John 517 the Lord Jesus says Hitherto I my Father worketh. Hitherto that is, up to this point my Father's been working.
He says, and now I work, the Father work, the Son worked, and now the Holy Spirit is working. So this order here is not one of precedence as to authority. The Holy Spirit, the Son and the Father Co equal, but all working together to glorify the other. And again I repeat, the Father sent the Son, the Son glorified the Father, and now the Holy Spirit is here to testify of Christ. The Holy Spirit does not seek to exalt Himself.
Who does speak about himself? For the word of God is full of references to the Holy Spirit, and that passage is often misunderstood, where it says He shall not speak of himself, as though it said He will not speak about himself. He will not speak of himself or from himself as the source. Whatsoever heareth that shall he speak. But he speaks much of himself. But the Holy Ghost does not exalt himself. He doesn't gather people together to say, I want you to be occupied.
The Holy Ghost gathers people together and occupies them with Christ. He shall glorify me. He shall testify of me. He will show you things that come.
He will bring your remembrance, all things that I said unto you. The Holy Ghost never glorifies himself on earth any more than Christ glorified himself on earth. He came to glorify the Father. And so when you find a poor company of people deluded, coming together and crying for the Holy Ghost who has always been here 1900 years calling for the Holy Ghost of comedy already here and occupied. You know the Spirit isn't moving. But if you find Saints come together and say we want to know more advice, we love Christ.
It's the Holy Spirit that puts that desire in the heart. And so here then we have the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Now I'd like to look at some scriptures that show the equality. There's a title found in the New Testament Lord and in the supplies of the Father. It's applied to the Son and it's applied to the Holy Ghost. Lord is a title of authority. Now it's interesting one has looked this up.
The war he, the Greek word for Lord, curious, seems to combine in one with the two meanings of Lord in the Old Testament.
In the Old Testament there are two words for Lord. We get it in 110 Psalm. The Lord that is Jehovah said to my Lord Adonai, sit down at my right hand. Now Jehovah's ever existing God, Adonai is the Lord, is the one who has authority. Now I understand the Greek ways that it combines the two of those. Why do we continuously exist one who has authority? And that's the word Lord. That's going to be found in the few passages we expect to refer to. Now as to the Father, we'll take the Father.
1St and Matthew 11 You want to see briefly the place that the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit have in creation and in redemption and possibly in resurrection if we have time. The 11Th chapter of Matthew and verse 25. At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father.
Lord of heaven and Earth.
Because thou has hit these things from the wise and prudent and has revealed them.
On today, what does the Lord Jesus call the Father? Lord, Lord? That means that the God the Father is the same as the Jehovah of the Old Testament, the one whoever existed. He's also the Adonai of the Old Testament, the one who had power and authority. So we see then the very first one who was mentioned in the end of Matthew, the Father is Lord. Now it went to the Lord. The title of Lord involves.
Now we are we are children of God.
We were in the family and He has authority over us as far as the closeness of family relationship, but we must ever remember these Lords. He is Lord. Now we go to the 10th of Acts. We get the same time applied to the Lord Jesus. I know there are many passages, no doubt you'll be thinking of them as we go through this, but one will be sufficient in the 10th of Acts.
Peter is speaking here in verse 36 to Cornelius and his household.
The word which God sent unto the children of Israel.
Preaching peace by Jesus Christ.
He is Lord of all. The same word that's applied to the Father in Matthew 11 is here applied to the Son, and he said to be Lord of all. And Speaking of the Father, he said Lord of heaven and earth. It's a it's a wonderful thing to think that Christ and manhood recognizes God the Father and that position as the head over creation, heaven and earth. But Peter brings in this sweeping statement. He is Lord of all.
May I ask everyone here tonight, have you ever confessed Christ as Lord? If thou shalt confess Jesus as Lord, and shall believe in thine heart that God has raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved now when you confess Jesus as Lord, to whom you confess him to someone else, no.
To the father, you know. Suppose a man was shut up on a desert island. There's nobody around.
He couldn't get saved to be able to confess to someone. That verse in Romans 10 doesn't refer to confessing to people. There are no description, but it's confessing his name before God. It's only in the presence of God that Jesus is Lord. Now there's a day coming you'll have to do it and not get saved. Then it says in another place, if we confess a man, he will confess us before the angels. That's a reward. If we are faithful and confessing Christ before men, there's a.
But salvation is connected with confessing Christ as Lord before God. Now it may be done with both press and I. I don't rule that out, but I I believe there's a misunderstanding of that verse. We try to tie salvation in confessing to others and confession of Christ as Lord. I know it's a striking thing there on the 13th of Hebrews which we connect with the worship on the Lord's Day morning, it says.
To give the sacrifice of praise to God continually.
That is the fruit of our lips.
Confessing his name, of how that should read, confessing his name. And so Jesus is Lord, He's Lord of all. And Peter brings that in. We're not going to go into the subject because he's Lord of all. He's going to judge the living and death. Now he's not in, He's Lord of all in deity, but in manhood. It says he for this and Jesus both died and rose and revised that he might be Lord both of the dead and the living. That's Romans 14.
So that's his present position as an exalted man. But here is this person in the Godhead. He is Lord of all. And what about spirit? Well, it's kind of Second Corinthians chapter 3. Second Corinthians chapter 3. We have to appeal again to a corrective, Mr. Darbys corrective translation. But notice.
In verse 17 it says now the Lord is that Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty. We all with open face beholding is in a glass. The glory of the Lord are changed into the same image from glory to glory even as by the Spirit of the Lord. Now that last part there should be at the margin the Lord the Spirit, the Lord the Spirit. Now we have the same word that applied to the Father in Matthew 11.
The same way that applied to Christ and the 10th of Acts applied to the Holy Spirit. How can we say 123 as to the members of the Godhead, they're all equal, they're all Lord, they're all choreos in the Greek word. They're all, they all have authority, they're all have a continuous existence. And so we see that we have here, of course, that's the authority of the Spirit related to the assembly. The development was developed in the first part in the first epistle. But the Spirit of the Lord brings in liberty, not license, but liberty.
I like to think of this in connection with our meetings. We come together at an assembly meeting and what we find, the Lord is in the midst and the Holy Spirit leads and dies. We could we wait upon him and there's the prayer meeting and there's the breaking of bread. Now I know there are other meetings approved by the assembly, like the gospel meeting and the Sunday school, and while it isn't waiting on the Spirit there in the same way.
Is the Spirit working through an individual who is responsible to preach the gospel?
Let's not neglect the assembly meeting. Let's not neglect meetings where the gospel goes forth. It's a marvelous thing to come to a gospel meeting and sit quietly and pray that the Lord will bless that message. But I was struck with when Paul wrote to the Romans. He starts out the epistle by saying they're Saints. He writes to the Saints. Then he says in a few voices down as far as in Meliath, I'm ready to preach the gospel to you that are at Rome all going to preach the gospel the Saints. Yes, you know we often.
Him tell me the old, old story. For they that know it best seem hungering and thirsty to hear it like the rest. All the gospel meeting is a sign of life in the assembly. They were. Perhaps no one saved was committed. Yes, but my children come. My children came to the gospel meetings. Where are they today? They're saved. They're at the Lord's table.
We read the Bible at home, we brought them to the assembly meeting, we brought them to the gospel meetings, and week after week that gospel message sunk in and finally brought forth fruit. I believe I just mentioned this in passing. This wasn't on my heart, but may I just make an give an instance here? I don't want to tell us in any way to produce any kind of humor. That isn't the point at all. One of our grandchildren, only three years of age.
Keep coming out to the Gospel news.
And one day her mother drove to another town. We were living in Woodbridge then. Mother wasn't too familiar with the town yet, having come from Canada. She parked the car and when she came out, she realized she didn't remember where she parked the car. And she said that to the granddaughter. She said that I'm lost. Don't that little child said three years old if you're lost.
You'll go straight to hell. Where did she learn that? Staying awake in the gospel meeting or coming to the gospel meeting. She heard that in the gospel meeting. And I'm glad to tell you today that she's not only saved, but she's got this in the Lord's name, and she wants to go on with the Lord and I. So we see then the Spirit of God as liberty.
In the gospel meeting, for this Spirit of God to speak only the Saints and also to speak the sinners should they come, We should never neglect any meeting. We can bring our children where they'll hear the word of God. It's the most important thing. And we'll be responsible before God for every meeting we neglect or we stay away from, whether it be an assembly meeting or state administrator or the gospel, unless his brother Hart used to say, we can offer our excuse to God, he used to say.
Stay away from a meeting if unless you can offer your excuse to God. Well, here the Spirit of the Lord gives liberty, and we find that the Spirit of the Lord, the Spirit is said to be the Lord. Now let us notice some other thoughts. What about creation? Well.
We have much kind of heathen was one Hebrews 1.
And we'll see something in connection with.
The father of Hebrews 1 verses one and two.
God, who had suddenly times in His diverse man has taken time, passed under the Fathers, by the prophets in these last days, spoken unto us by His Son only at the pointed air of all things, by whom also He made the world. Who made the world God that includes the Father. Here we no doubt have the Trinity involved. The Father made the world, the Son was the Creator, the Holy Spirit created.
All three are equal as Lords.
All free or equal as Creator. Let's go back to Matthew 1125 again.
So to see how that we might repeat that verse to show that the other thought there Matthew 1125. At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank your Father, Lord of heaven and earth. We noticed before the title Lord.
Now we notice it's associated with heaven and earth. Who created the heavens in the earth? Father. Father, I realize that creation is preeminently assigned to the sun because He was the one who humbled Himself. But the Father was there. The Father had to do with creation. Now let's go over to John One with Heather, Son in creation, now the Lord Jesus, John One.
John One and.
Verse one in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God.
All things were made by him.
And without him.
Was not anything made.
That was made.
Not a thing. Everything was made by the sun.
All things were made by him, and without him was not anything made.
That was made. This is Christ. This is the Lord Jesus Christ. He's the one.
He is the one as we get here. He was with the Father in the beginning. He was with God.
He is God, He's the word of God and what we find are we find that he the son is equal. He's equal with the father in creation. Now that we know from the I don't know what I got the right verse or not, but let's try to jolt might be the verse. I'm not sure, but the old 34.
Father in creation now that we know from the I don't want to get the right voice or not but let's try to job it might be the verse. I'm not sure but that Job 34.
Well, that's not the first. The first has to do with the.
With the Spirit, the Holy Spirit creating all things. But let's go over to Colossians and continue the sun for the moment.
We'll come back to the Spirit later. Colossians 1, Colossians 1. And it says in verse 15 of the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the image of the invisible God.
The first born of every creature.
But by Him were all things recreated that are in heaven, that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be Thrones or the minions of principalities or powers. All things were created by Him and for Him, and He is before all things, and by Him all things consist or subsist together. Here we find the glory of Christ.
Stated as the creator. We were marking at Montreal when we had this before us.
John and what we read tells us in fewer words the same thing. But the Colossian mind, that mind was in danger, being taken up with what they considered the invisible thing intruding into things they had not seen, mainly popped up by their fleshly mind. And Paul is led by the Spirit of God to go into detail here as to the glory of Christ the sun as Creator.
Born of all creation, because he took this place in it. But notice verse 16.
All things created that are in heaven, that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be Thrones or dominions of principalities, of powers, all things were created by him and for him. The creation is for the glory of Christ. Now if there's an added fact, verse 17.
He is before all things, and by him all things consist. They are held together. Subsist. Brother Hayhoe one time was speaking with a a farmer and the farmer had a cow standing there, and I believe the farmer was issuing his giving forth to some instant ideas. And Brother Hejo said to the farmer, if God forgot that cow for one second it would drop dead. All things are held together. He gets life and breath to all things. Who the Son of God.
The Lord Jesus Christ. Does the Father create? Yes. Did the Son create? Yes.
Now we go back to Hebrews one that's a full chapter there chapter one again you have Christ brought in that would like to overlap those that passage.
Hebrews one and in the.
We read in verse two Speaking of God by whom also?
He made the world who being the brightness of his glory and the express image of his person and upholding all things by the word of his power when he is by himself purged our sins sat down on the right hand of the majesty on high God the Father created, but it was through the son. Here there's a father and the son interlocked here the father created by the star and notice in that very very upholding all things.
Word of its power, the man on the cross, when they mocked him, when they they come down from the cross, save thyself who gave them the breath to say it, The very man on the cross, who was upholding all things at that very moment by the word of his power, the Lord Jesus Christ. All, beloved hearer, is this Christ on the cross. Appeal to your affection.
On that cross alone, forsaken, where no pitying I was bound.
A place to save your talking. Yet he never for a moment surrendered what he was as Son of God. Here we see that brought out. But before he takes his place at the right hand of the majesty on high, He's made a position for sin. He wouldn't go back to the glory except as a Savior. He wouldn't go back to the glory. As he came, He went back.
The captain of our salvation. Now, as to the Spirit, we can go back to Genesis 1 again.
Spirit creation.
Genesis 1 have the original creation in verse one. Then we have a subsequent condition. The earth fell into a chaotic condition in verse 2. The earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep.
And the Spirit of God.
Upon the face.
Of the water.
And God said, let there be light, the first reference in the Bible.
But one of the members of the Trinity is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the first person of the Trinity that is mentioned in the Bible. So why call them a third person? He came out, He keeps brought out. At the very beginning the Spirit moved upon the face of the waters. Or have you ever felt the Spirit move upon the waters? What happens when you get saved? What happens when you got light in your soul?
Everything was chaos, darkness and sin within.
Spirit brought the weight of God, the Spirit brought the weight of God and God said, let me light and how would that light come from the Holy Spirit brought that light right into our souls. And so that that's not my interpretation. That's what Paul tells you in 2nd Corinthians 4. He says for the God that commanded the light to shine out of the darkness has shined in our heart to give a light the knowledge.
Of the glory of God in the faith of Jesus Christ. So that we see that though this is a literal, actual thing connected with creation, there's a spiritual lesson. Everything in this book is valuable, that we have eyes to see. And so those would be the story of creation. Yet the principle of it is brought out as to our souls, and the Spirit here speaks.
And as the Spirit moves upon the face of the waters, and then God said, let there be light. Now it was kind of Job chapter 26, chapter 26 and verse 13.
By his spirit.
He hath garnished the heaven, His hand has formed the crooked.
Said why his spirit he garnished to heaven you'll agree in Genesis it says God created the heavens and the earth. Well that's that time includes the whole Senate but then we found that the father creates he found that the father is the creator. Now we're learning the spirit of the creator. All three together are involved and active or active in the creation and there is interesting in Genesis. We need not turn over when it speaks to the sun and moon being made that's being.
You don't lead to the creation of the sun and moon specifically. That's encoded in the God created the heavens. That was all encoded in that. That's a blanket statement. But when God made the sun and moon, that is when God put the moons in its position by the earth to revolve around and shine on it. And when God set the sun in its position to shine on the earth may use the word not create at that time, it just says afterwards and the stars also.
The stars also. So here we learn that the Spirit by his Spirit he a garnish to heaven.
So you look up at the stars and you say Christ created all of those. The Father created, yes, but the Spirit had his thought. He garnished the heavens. The heavens are garnished. How beautiful the heavens are. On a cold clear winters night when particularly the moon isn't out, you can see those stars shining and all that brilliancy. Who did that?
It's all that here, Spirit. Now let's turn to Psalm 104.
Psalm 104 and verse 30 now send us forth by spirit they are created and now reneweth the faith of the earth. You get a lot about creation and versus 4 to 9 and so forth. But here you want to notice this one verse. I'll send it forth by spirit, they are created.
So when God breathes a man's nostril, a breath of life.
The third was there, the sun was there, the father was there, the whole benefit. Oh what a blessed wonders to how sad it is that men should try to take the very revelation of what God is. God himself has revealed what he is now you and I could never find out God. I remember one time in New York at noon hour. I stopped downtown near the Benjamin Franklin statue. There's usually some kind of a public speaker that quite often someone preaching.
Sure enough, this day there was a man preaching the gospel, so I shouldn't listen to file and when it's time, I thought it was time to go back to the office. I pulled out of the crowd and the same time another man pulled out and as we walked up Nassar St. together, he said, I said, I don't believe that stuff. Bring them before me and and slay them before me misquoting that scripture. So I thought the moment I said to him, I said, do you have any knowledge of God? Do you know anything about God? He says no, nobody has any knowledge of God.
All I said, if you don't have any knowledge of God, how do you know what God would do or wouldn't do on the given circumstances? You're saying that God couldn't explain those people in the land of Cain, and he brought that up. You say that God wouldn't command an enemy to be slain, but you say you don't know anything about God. That's an absurdity. That's not rationalism at all for me to say I don't know a thing about God and then tell you what God would do if he would, if he did exist.
That's an absurdity. It's folly. Well, he had nothing to say, but we had a chance to give him the gospel. I've never seen him since. I trust that the Lord may have spoken to his soul every time. Man's mind and truth is different things of God. To use the words of our dear brother AG. Hey ho, he shows his.
That's the word I brought to you stupidity. But if you found in the word of God, everything's clear. A brother used to also say there's nothing in the Bible to violate my my intelligence. If my will vows, it's a matter of will. If your will vows, everything's clear. And so here we get them the the spirit going through the spirit speaking and they are created. Now let's try to our time is passing. Let's turn to another.
Aspect of the action of the Trinity present which comes close to home, or what redemption must mean to every believer. Now we'll see what the Father's place was in redemption.
First John four, first John four and verse 9.
And this was manifested the love of God taught us, because the God sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him here in His love. Not that we love God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Verse 14 and we have seen.
And do testify that the father sent the son.
Be the Savior of the world. What part does the Father have in redemption? First to His love flowed out to you and me, a Sinner. God the Father would have us round himself as children. He had enough angels to be servants that He wanted a family. He wanted children in that family. How was he going to get them? They got to be redeemed. They got to be holding without blame before Him in love. So what does He do? He does two things here.
And in connection with redemption in verse 9.
He sends his son, so it's the Father here he says God, but it's the Father when it says he sent the Son. It's the father sending the son just as the Father sent the Son to the vineyard. And so here we get the Father sends the Son and verse 9 to give us life that.
We might live go ahead together underwise, but I came out came forth water water in the last time the other wonders like John water 1St and the black Knight was going to historically fast the black. That's what we think that's first, but we like to have divine life unless we find it down. They cannot stand in the presence of God. We can't enjoy the presence.
Tells us that if you want to find life.
You've got to get it from the best price. Life comes forth on the side of a dead site and so the Lord said with his disciples to the word that God spoken into you clearly not that blood have been born against it, but they're not conscience has to be taken care of and sort of temporary things in what the alphabet getting exempt from there. The printer's love, not that we love God, but that he loved us and sent his son to be the propitiation for our sins.
Blood we got the water in verse nine, we get the blood in verse 10, but God took us to heaven without a new life. It wouldn't enjoy the place he gave us a new life and took us there without spending our conscience and our sins. We wouldn't be happy either until it was fine. Both of these men where we find both men in the cross that allowed us to fight what we sent the sun to follow and so that's confirmed so clearly in verse 14. We have seen and do testify that the Father.
To be the savior of the world. That's why we saved the night he came to save centers and Paul says at home, I am chief return to John 6, the gospel of John.
For another verse, John 6, verse 37. All that the Father giveth me shall come to me, and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out came down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him that sent me. And this is the Father's will which have sent me. That a pole which He has given me I should lose nothing that should raise it up again at the last day. So forth.
The father sent the son, but who's going to be saved by the father draws them.
Father has given us to the Son. We were speaking in eternal security the other night. Could you think of a moment that the Lord Jesus having received us as a gift from the Father, he's going to let us go? Don't we value gifts that come from loved ones? Don't we safeguard them? Is the Lord Jesus going to save you or of me? The Father gave them to me, but I'm going to lose them. Oh, here we see that our eternal salvation depends on the Father giving us the Christ and Christ deceiving us.
And I believe I'd like to bring out what I believe the real meaning of the end of that. 37 First, him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out who is it that comes to Christ? Those from the Father has given him. Let's not allow the use of this in the gospel to take away what it means to us as Christians. The principle of the applicable to the gospel, but not the basic meaning of the verse. The Lord couples two things together.
The Father has given them to me, and when they come to me I will cast them out because it's the Father who sent them. I'll never cast out anybody that the Father has said, all the unsaved. You might say, well, how do I know whether the Father is given? Come to Christ and say, come, the invitation is there. Just come behind your way. Then you'll know always. Just come unto me and I will give you rest. So we see the Father here in redemption.
Let's go to Ephesians now to see the sun. We just have to please down the scriptures the the 1St chapter of Ephesians and verse seven. In whom have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins according to the riches of his grace, in whom as in Christ here is Christ now not the Father. The Father sent the Son. Now we see what the Son did.
On the cross, the Lord Jesus shed His precious blood after being forsaken of God, after bowing His head in a voluntary death. Then the blood was shed, and that blood had all the values of it being forsaken. It had all the value of His death in it, and yet His death could not be by blood, otherwise the soldiers would have taken His life from Him. But He laid His life down willingly.
The other they would die and their head would drop. He bowed his head first and then dismissed the spirit because he had authority over his spirit.
And then the blood flows, and so we have redemption through His blood. They need not multiply by the Scriptures about the sun. You can think of many of them, but I just like to look at 1:00. There are many about the Spirit, but let's look at one in Hebrews 9 for the Spirit, the Spirit connection with redemption. And there are many other others that could refer to, but let's just notice this. This gives us the basis, the basic one in the 13th verse of Hebrews 9.
It says first the blood of bulls and of goats.
Pepper sprinkling the unclean sanctifier to the purifying of the flesh. How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal earth offered himself without spot to God, for your conscience from dead works to serve the living God.
Oh, the Spirit had part and redemption. The Father didn't give his life the strict life. The Son of God and manhood gave his life. But it was the Father that sent him, and it was in the power of the Spirit that he offered himself.
Without spot, the only spotless, sinless sacrifice that was really ever offered on earth. And here we see the Holy Spirit has its place in that way of redemption. We should be part of other things. And we just make this statement without giving the complaining scriptures. Because I want to close with a thought on the Spirit and the revelation.
Christ was raised in the dead by the glory of the Father. That's Romans 6, the second of John. The Lord Jesus says destroy this temple and I will raise it in three days.
First, Peter 3 says he was quickened by the Spirit. Well, now, who raised Christ in the dead? The Father did. Who raised Christ from the dead? He raised himself. Who raised Christ from the dead? The Spirit. The whole Kennedy was active in creation. The whole Kennedy was active in redemption. The whole sanity was active in the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. Oh, I like to think of this is not as a doctrine for our minds, but a doctrine for our hearts.
We want doctor, we want teaching. Now let us notice the last thing about the Spirit.
We'll we'll notice in Revelation 22, the last thing that's said there. It's not related to these things we've mentioned.
But related to something else, something precious to our heart.
In Revelation 22 and verse 16.
I, Jesus, have sent my Angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David. I won't stop that for a moment. I want to see. Notice a second effect. When he says he's a root of David, it means that he's the one who gave David the throne. He was the one who brought blessing to David. But then it says he's the offspring of David. Now, as the offspring of David, Christ is going to take the throne upon the.
Father David will reign forever and ever to get the 9th of the Isaiah. And also in the Gospel of Luke when the Angel announces the birth of Christ, the marriage that Christ would sit upon the throne of David and Father. So to repeat, at the root of David, He gave David the Kingdom as the offspring of David. He takes the Kingdom as great David's greatest son. But notice there's no response here from the church or the Spirit. Now he says something else.
Has nothing to do with the Kingdom and the bright and morning star. No connection with the Kingdom. There are prophecies to be fulfilled before the Kingdom can be set up, but there are no prophecies to be fulfilled for the Lord Jesus to come after. Descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the Archangel and the trump of God, the dead in Christ rising 1St and brought up together there. The living and the dead caught up together in the cloud to meet the Lord in the air. There's no prophecy to be.
That so now as soon as he introduces himself as the bright and morning star, what does the Spirit do to the believer? What does he do to the church really? Here he stirs up bridal affections, the Spirit and the bride. Quickly the bride says, come with poor faltering creatures. Our hearts can be set upon the earth and forget that heavenly calling. But the spirit stirs up and stirs bridal affection so that we look up to the bridegroom and say, Come.
How precious the last testimony of the Spirit here is to stir up in the heart of the church the desire for Christ to come. But you might say I don't quite follow the thought of being part of the church and looking up. Why are you a believer? What you can say, come through it says and let him hear it say come. Did you hear Bradman still with the with the desire that he caught up to meet Christ with bridal affections doesn't make any difference as a question of how deeply we feel things.
Intelligence. As long as we have to be for it, the fact that Christ is coming, we can all look up and say come, come Lord Jesus. And then what else?
Then the next com is directed outward and let him live as a third com. The hope of the Lord's coming does not destroy.
Gospel activity, the hope of the Lord coming should encourage. So the first two comes go upwards, and the next call, the other calls go outward. Whosoever will let them take the water of life will well may the Lord bless to our souls. While God has revealed to us the Trinity, we could never find out unless God has opened the veil and revealed it to us.