“All that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution” (2 Timothy 3:12).
Many years ago the Evangelist George Whitefield made the following remarks:
“Persecution is necessary for the godly. If we have not all manner of evil spoken against us, how can we know whether we seek only that honor which comes from above? If we have no persecutors, how can many Christian precepts be put into practice? How can we love, pray for, and do good to those who despitefully use us? How can we overcome evil with good? In short, how can we know we love God better than life itself?”
George Whitefield lived and served the Lord in the 1700’s. He helped to bring the gospel to North America, and was used of the Lord to preach to thousands of souls. Read about his life and you will find that when he talks about suffering for Christ and persecution, he was talking from experience.