Grandpa, Grandma and the Baby Cardinal [Tract]

Grandpa, Grandma and the Baby Cardinal
Tract back page
Full Color Gospel Tract
Verse Ref.:
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
4 pages

Full Text of Grandpa, Grandma and the Baby Cardinal

The three baby cardinals felt safe, warm and cozy as they snuggled close together in the little nest. Father and mother cardinal had built the nest in the pine tree close to Grandpa and Grandma’s house. When mother or father cardinal returned to the nest with a fat little worm, the peace and quiet of the little nest vanished as each baby tried to say how very hungry he was!

It was a happy little nest until one night a cold, stormy wind began to blow. The next morning Grandma looked out the window to check on the cardinal family. Sadly she saw that their nest was no longer nestled among the branches of the pine tree. Hurrying outside, she found part of the nest on the ground. Nearby she found one little baby bird that looked more dead than alive. Although Grandma searched carefully, she couldn’t find the other two baby birds.

Rescued Cardinal

Grandma had cared for sick and injured animals before, and she knew just what to do. She gently carried the baby bird into the warm house where she could protect it and take care of it. All her care seemed to work wonders — in almost no time he was quite healthy again.

Grandpa found an old birdcage and fixed it up as a cozy, temporary home for the baby cardinal. He hung the cage in front of the window that looked out at the pine tree.

Grandpa and Grandma did everything they could to make the little bird happy in his new home. It wasn’t long before he was chirping to them when they would come near the cage. He would open his beak wide, and a moment later his little tummy was full of plenty of good fruit or seeds.

Grandpa and Grandma began to see the father cardinal flying around outside the window, trying to get to his baby. But the window that allowed him to see his baby did not allow him to fly to his baby’s new home.

That gave Grandpa an idea. He took the cage outside, placed it by the pine tree and opened its door. It wasn’t long until the father cardinal came swooping down from the tree with a worm for baby cardinal. He went right into the cage, fed his hungry baby and was off again for more!

With all of this loving care, it was only a short time until a healthy little cardinal, along with its dad, was enjoying the freedom of the blue sky.

More Loving Care

Remember the sad picture when the little baby cardinal had fallen out of the nest and could not help itself? Did you know that all children have fallen into sin and cannot help themselves? The Bible tells us, “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). And even worse, God also tells us that just one small sin will keep us out of His home in heaven. What a sad picture of helpless children and grown-ups too!

We know that if the baby cardinal had been left on the ground, he would have died there. He needed someone to save him. Aren’t we glad that Grandma carefully picked up the little bird and saved his life? She was his savior.

And if you and I are still in our sins when we die, we will be punished for our sins for all eternity. We need someone to save us. And we are glad to tell you that there is a Saviour for you and me too. God has provided that Saviour; His name is Jesus. Because God loves us so much, He sent His very own Son to die on Calvary’s cross. He took the punishment for the sins of every boy and girl and grown-up who will receive Him as their Saviour. The sins of every person who accepts Jesus as their Saviour are gone forever, and they will live in God’s own home in heaven when their life here is over. “ For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).

One day soon the Lord Jesus is going to come back to take to heaven all the children and grown-ups whom He’s saved from their sins. Will you go with Him to live in His happy home?

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