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May we not merely learn more about the Spirit, but, guided of Him, have our hearts strengthened, enjoying by Him, in Christ our Lord all that God has been pleased to reveal to us in His precious word.
Excerpt- The subject of which I propose to treat will demand, as the course of Lectures may call for it, the development, according to God’s word, of many operations of the Holy Spirit only experienced under Christianity, which were unknown in the times which preceded the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus. But I rejoice to begin this night with that which spreads itself over the entire dealings of God in His mercy towards His saints at all times. That is, we enter on what is not special, save only as the knowledge of God Himself must distinguish souls in a lost world where grace chooses and saves — what is not special in the sense of being brought out and enjoyed, under peculiar circumstances and at a particular period, in the ways of God with man. On the contrary, what comes before us now is universal for God’s children, was found in the earliest days since sin entered into the world, was never superseded, nor can be, till the last trace of sin is gone forever. It is the one fundamental want for every soul of man who is brought out of the condition of fallen man — the common lot of man appointed, as we know, to die, and after that to judgment. God would make Himself known, would reveal Himself; it might be only partially, after sundry measures, and in many manners, as the apostle tells us in Hebrews 1; but, whatever the measure or the mode of His revelations, God has always wrought in sovereign mercy to souls, and He has given of His own nature to those who believe here below. This is what is meant by being born again. Nor was there ever a time when it was more necessary than now, not only to assert what is special, but to cleave to that which is universal in the sense just now explained. Let us maintain then that which never changes; while, at the same time, we leave ample space for whatever it may please God according to His own wisdom to bring in, amplifying, clearing, brightening, deepening, and that in every possible form. There is progress, I need not say, in the way in which God does manifest Himself; at any rate, till Christ appeared, and His work was accomplished. Not that I speak of progress since, but that, in the unfolding of the word of God from the beginning, there is most manifestly an enlarging view given of the divine ways — given until God, and not merely His ways, were fully manifested.
Table of Contents
1. Lecture 1- The New Birth and Eternal Life. John 3
2. Lecture 2- The “Well of Water Springing up unto Everlasting Life.” John 4
3. Lecture 3- “Rivers of Living Water.” John 7
4. Lecture 4- The Paraclete or Comforter. John 14-16
5. Lecture 5- “Receive Ye the Holy Ghost.” John 20
6. Lecture 6- The Gift of the Spirit and the Gifts. Acts 2, 8, 10, and 19
7. Lecture 7- In the Spirit and the Spirit in You. Romans 8
8. Lecture 8- “Baptized by One Spirit into One Body.” 1 Corinthians 12
9. Lecture 9- “An Habitation of God Through the Spirit” Ephesians 2
10. Lecture 10- The Spirit in the Apocalypse as Compared with the Epistles. Revelation 1, 19
11. Appendix